Internet Safety
Good Sportsmanship

Jack plays Roblox online. He's made friends online and has shared his full name, age, and where he goes to school. Jack has never met these friends in person.  Is this safe? 

No. Although Jack may consider these people friends, he has not met them and has given away too much identifying information.


You lose the first volleyball game your dad is able to attend.  You throw a ball towards the other team as you storm off of the court. How are you feeling? is this good sportsmanship? How could you cope?

Not good sportsmanship


Your friend just sprained their ankle and is on crutches. How could you show empathy and help them feel better?

Check in on them, tell them you are sorry, ask them if they need anything


Your friend texts you saying that she heard a rumor about another person you guys go to school with. What do you do?


What are some characteristics of a good brother/ sister or cousin?


Leo has an Tik Tok account where he and his friends upload clips of them playing sports outside. His account is set to private and his username is HugeSportsFans. Safe or unsafe?



You practice hard and try out for the soccer team. The team list is announced and you did not make the team. You say "How did Allen make it and I didn't? He didn't even go to summer camp!"

No, this is not good sportsmanship. You could congratulate the people who made the team, work hard, and try again next year. 


You like to tease your friend about her hair. She has curly hair and likes wearing it in ponytails or an afro. She tells you that she does not like when you make jokes about her hair. What should you do?

Apologize, empathize, and change!


You feel like your teacher gives you too much homework. You are feeling overwhelmed and like you cannot get it all finished. This upsets you because you enjoy having free time when you get home. What can you do?

Communicate respectfully with your teacher 


When a parent sets a rule about something that you do not agree with, how could you approach them to talk about how you feel?


On Instagram you receive a private message from someone you do not know. They claim to be a modeling agent and want you to send different photos for a portfolio. Is it safe to chat with this person? What should you do?

No. Tell a parent, block the account.


You are playing basketball and you don't agree with the referee's calls. What could you do?

Remain calm, talk to the coach or referee


Your friend just cooked lunch for you.  You don't like some of the ingredients and think it doesn't taste good. They ask if you like the food, what could you say?

Thank them for making the food and be honest about the dish.


What are some ways that you can approach someone that you think you would be friends with? 


Your mom asks you to put the dishes away after school. When you get home from school you dont feel like putting dishes away, you log onto Facebook instead. Your mom then becomes very angry when she sees the dishes are not done. Why does your mom feel angry? What  could you have done to help?


Your mother does not allow you to make online purchases without her permission. You want to order jewelry from a site, but you're unsure if the site is secure.  Your friend suggests that send the order to her house, so your mom doesn't notice.  Should you take up your friends offer? 

No. Not only are you being dishonest, but you are risking putting your mom's credit card information online without her consent. Communication and consent with parents helps keep you safe on the internet. 


While finishing a cheer performance, you accidentally bump into a cheerleader from the opposite team. How could you have good sportsmanship in this scenerio?

Apologize, ask them if they are okay.


You overhear a classmate saying mean things about your best friend, while your friend isn't around.

How do you respond?

Address your classmate and tell them it's not nice for them to speak about your friend like that.

Don't gossip about the classmate to your friend.


When sending an email to your coach how should you address them? What kind of language should you use?

Mr, Mrs., Coach, polite and professional


Your cousin asks you to stop borrowing video game equipment without asking. You need an extra controller    so you can play a two player game with another friend. You take the controller without asking because he has so many and he has money to buy another one. How is he going to feel? 


You want to start a TikTok account. What are the steps to do this safely?

1. Talk with parents, get their permission. 

2. Secure your account

3. Ask your parent to adjust your settings for appropriate content.


During your basketball game, you trip and fall while running down the court. You insist that it wasn't a mistake and that someone on the other team tripped you. Is this good sportsmanship? How do you think the person you blamed may feel?

No. This is not good sportmanship.


You are angry with your best friend. They didn't show up to your birthday dinner in order to hang out with another friend. What could you do?

Tell them how their absence made you feel.


Your Mother asks you how your day was, you had a rough day and don't feel like talking about it. 

Act out how you could respond in a way that is appropriate


Your Mom and Dad are making you go to tutoring during the summer. You are annoyed because you wanted to spend the summer relaxing and hanging out with friends. How could you approach your parents?