Tier 2 Vocab

What is the Genre of Week 8



What is the Root for Week 7 and meaning.

The Roots are -Chron: Time Order, -trans: change, and -phobia: fear.


What is the Teir 2 vocab in week 7

Conclusion: A combo of inferences and evidence to reach an idea.


What is the Genre of week 7 

Historical Fiction


What is the root for week 8 and meaning. 

-tele: far, -ped:foot, and -tri: three.


Abby Had to write a chant for Girls with sole to encourge girls to run how can she use an idea to do her project? What is the vocab in italics.  

The answer is Concussion because i put the word idea and it means to reach an idea.


Taylor Austin Fought in the Revolutionary War. What is the Genre 

Historical Fiction because it says that person fought in the Revolutionary War also it is Fiction because we do not know if Taylor Austin is real. 

Mrs. Logan was calling Mrs. Lee from far.
 What is the root in lilacs?

The answer is -tele


The Brothers Grimm made so many books such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, and Snow White. 

What is the sentence telling you about the Grimm/ what is the Genre of that sentence?

Legend because the story's I said are passed down from generation to generation.


Salish and Tony needed to write an essay in Chronological Order. What is the root?

The root is -Chron. 


BONUS QUESTION: What did you learn about the Genre of this week? The Genre of week 7 and 8 tell me what Historcal Fiction means and Legend! 

HF: History is real but charters are made up. 

Legend: Passed down from generation to generation.


BONUS QUESTION: What does all the roots mean in week 7

Chron: Time Order

Trans: Change

Phobia: Fear