What is the first track in folklore
The 1
What day did folklore come out
July 24 2020
🤬 👩💼
Mad woman
Vintage tea, brand new phone high heels on ...
Cobble stone
What are all the songs in folklore that start with an E
Exile, epiphany
What is the second track in folklore
Was folklore or e evermore out first
👁 pip 💰
And there's nothing like a mad woman ...
What a shame she went mad
What are all the songs that start with an M
Mirror ball, my tears ricochet, and mad woman
What song is this?
"Stood on the cliff side screaming 'give me a reason'"
What is the folklore movie called
Folklore: The long pond studio sessions
Mirror ball
We gather here, we line up ...
Weaping in sunlit room
What are all the folklore songs that start with an I
Illicit affairs, and invisible string
What song features Bon Iver?
How many tracks are I folklore total (counting bonus tracks)
How many bonus tracks are there
16 total tracks
1 bonus track (the lakes)
And I've been meaning to tell you ...
I think your house is haunted
What are the folklore songs that start with an H
What song did Taylor write herself in folklore
My tears ricochet
What is the folklore font called
IM Fell DW Pica
👩 👉 💦 💨 💦
My tears ricochet
Rock me twenty minutes to sleep...
But you dream of some epiphany
What are the folklore songs that starts with an F
There are none