This language consists of saying nice things.
What is Words of Affirmation?
Be firm and stand your ground.
Who is Katie?
This communication style is most of our leadership team.
What is "D"?
This is creating a sense of belonging and helping associates feeling included.
What is Purpose?
This is one reason why people may resist change.
What is "I don't get it" or "I don't like it" or "I don't know or like you."
This is Sunny's language of appreciation.
What is Quality Time?
Get buy-in before moving ahead.
Who is Gabriel?
These two leaders are an "S" which is characterized by stability, collaboration, and supportiveness.
Who are Linda and Katie?
Relatedness, competence, and autonomy are a part of this.
What is Path?
A team that feels ______ is more open to change.
What is "Appreciated"?
This is Amanda's language of appreciation.
What is Acts of Service?
Openness to new initiatives.
Who is Trish?
Pete's style prioritizes accuracy, stability, and challenge.
What is C?
What is Partnership?
One way to create a culture of appreciation is to thank people for doing their ____
What is job?
This is Victoria's language of appreciation.
What is Gifts?
Increase sense of urgency.
Who is Linda?
An acronym to describe a method of celebrating inclusive behaviors
What is S(ituation), B(ehavior), I(mpact)?
This is what we as a leadership team are trying to create through birthday cards, languages of appreciation, frequent check-ins, and our kudos program.
What is a culture of appreciation?
Consider the impact of my words.
Who is Danae?
This ensures that everyone feels safe, heard, and okay to make mistakes.
What is Psychological Safety?