Madam Mai
Madam Monette
Madam Sahar
Miss Reem
Madam Tamara

What is a character's point of view

A character's point of view is what he or she thinks about the events and other characters in a story.


What are the  punctuation marks used in poetry?

We used period , exclamation point  or a question mark.


What is an infographic?

An infographic  is a visual form of information  , such as  a chart or diagram.

The purpose of an infographic is to communicate information in a clear way that is easy for readers to understand.


What are context clues?

Context clues are words and phrases that help you figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar words.


What are the different parts of speech?

noun . pronoun, verb , adjective , adverb , preposition , conjunction  and interjection


Tell something about stage directions.

Stage directions are the words  in a dramatic script that are not spoken by characters.


What is line break in poetry?

When a line ends  with a comma or dash and the thought continues , it is called a line break.


What do you mean by author's purpose?

An author's reason for writing a particular work is called the author's purpose. 


What is the difference between dependent and independent clause? 

An independent clause has a subject and a verb , but it cannot stand alone as a sentence.

Dependent clause also contains a subjects and a verb , but it cannot stand alone as a sentence. It is also known as subordinate clause?


Give examples of coordinating conjunctions.



What is an adjective phrase?

An adjective phrase is a group of words that describes , or modifies a noun or pronoun.


What are story elements?

Character , setting and plot  are key elements in most stories.


What is an appositive phrase?

An appositive phrase is made up of an appositive and its noun or noun phrase. It is made up of an appositive and its modifiers.


What are the two main types of clause?

There are two types of main clauses:

independent and dependent clause.


Give examples of subordinating conjunctions.

AWUBIST ( After , With , Until , Before , If , Since , To )


What is connotation?

Connotation or feelings  associated with different words.

It might be positive , negative or neutral.


What is the difference between antonyms and synonyms?

Synonyms are words with similar meanings.

Antonyms are words with opposite meanings,


When do we say that the appositive phrase is nonessential?

An appositive phrase is considered to be a nonessential element of a sentence ,this means that if you remove the appositive phrase , the sentence still makes a sense.


What are the functions of noun clauses?

A noun clause is a type of dependent clause  that acts as a noun . A noun clause often functions as the subject of the sentence. It can also function as the object of a preposition in a prepositional phrase.


What is an adjective clause?

An adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun , or a noun phrase.


What is a precise language ?

Precise language refers to word choices that express exactly what a writer wants to say. Precise language is clear and direct.


Differentiate preposition and prepositional phrase.

A preposition is a word that shows how a noun or pronoun relates to another word or group of words in a sentence while prepositional phrase is a group of words  that begins with a preposition followed  by a noun or pronoun and the words that describe it.


Give one example of text structure and give its meaning.

Cause and Effect organization is a text structure that is often used in historical and scientific writing 


What is an Objective Summary?

An objective summary  briefly presents the central ideas and most important details in a text.


Give examples of Relative Pronouns

That , when , where , who , whose , when , which , whom