How many portions a day should we eat at least of fruit and vegetables?
How do you translate cherries in spanish?
What is the first course in a meal called?
House wine
What is the expression in English for "vino de la casa"?
Ham croquettes
What is the most popular finger dish in Spain?
Starchy foods
How do you say in English "alimentos feculentos", "con almidón", for example potatoes?
How do you translate alcachofas in english?
Ham croquettes, padrón peppers, gildas, olives
What are some examples of spanish finger food?
coke, fanta...
Can you give some examples of refreshments or sodas?
Because of the very spicy sauce, with hot paprika
Why do you call patatas "bravas", bravas?
Chickpeas, beans
Can you name two examples of pulses?
Duck, turkey, rooster
Can you name 3 examples of poultry?
Rice, grilled veggies, salad, french fries...
Can you name some examples of side dishes?
Still water
What is the opposite of sparkling water?
What is a very popular asturian dish?
Because they are low in fat and they're a good source of fibre
Why are pulses a good alternative to meat?
What is another word for courgette?
sweet tooth
What is the expression in English for "goloso, golosa"
Wine and beer
What are the most popular fermented drinks?
Pimientos del Padrón
What is the name of a very small, very hot green pepper from Galicia?
Because they are high in energy
Why fat foods should be eaten in small amounts?
coriander, bay leaves,
English words for cilantro, laurel and tomillo
What is the expression for a food that is rolled in bread crumbs and cooked?
white wine
What is the best wine to pair with fish?
A fried egg, according to some, fried with a star-shape white
What is a huevo estrellado?