What is Meta Cognition?
What is Thinking about how you think
What learning style do you use when your in math
What is Logical-Mathematical
What do you say when you have 1 card
What is UNO
What should you do first when you get in the kicthen?
What is wash your hands
Which way should the frying handle go
What is The back
What are the steps to the Feynman Technique?
What is 1. Learn a topic 2. Find key words 3. Simplify 4. rewrite and explain to a 3rd grader
What learning style do you use when your moving
What is Bodily-Kinesthetic
How many cards do you pass out
What is 7
Are cupcakes yummy
What is sometimes
What should you be always aware of?
What is your surroundings
What are the steps to Meta congnition?
What is 1. Be aware of how you are THINKING 2. Control your thoughts 3. Change how you think to win
What learning style do you use when you use self
What is Intrapersonal
When you play uno what learning styles could you use?
What is People, Self, Math, Or maybe words
What learning styles did we use during cupcake making
What is Move, People, Words, Math, Self
What do you need to wear when u put stuff in the oven
What is cooking mits
When do you use meta cognition?
What is when your doing something that could be confusing
When you use nature what learning style is that called
What is naturastic
TRUE OR FALSE: If you have no playable cards are you allowed to pick out the deck until you get the color or number that is placed down?
What is True
What's that last step to making cupcakes
What is Eat them
Why should u wash your hands after you touch meat/food
What is so you dont get sick
why do we use the feynman technique?
What is to understand things better
When you use words it is called
TRUE OR FALSE: You can play a card when it matches either the color or number of the card, or if you have any wild cards.
What is True
How long do you put the cupcakes in the oven?
What is 15 mintuest
Why should you know about kitchen safety
What is so you know exactly what to do and what not to do