Fish farming, raising fish
The three levels of development
Developed, developing, undeveloped
The two practices agriculture includes
Ranching, farming
Continent intensive subsistence farming most common in
Trend in agricultural exports since 1960
12 most pesticide-contaminated fruits and vegetables
Dirty Dozen
The three factors that influence people's consumption
Level of development, physical conditions, cultural preferences
Purpose of subsistence agriculture
Survive, feed family/community
Types of climate suitable for plantations
Location where second agricultural revolution began
United Kingdom
Greatest exchange of plants, people, animals, diseases, and culture globally
Columbian Exchange
The two regions where undernourishment is most prevalent
sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Region of sorghum domestication
sub-Saharan Africa
Dominant crop in Southeast Asia
Invention and rapid diffusion of more productive agricultural techniques during 1970s and 1980s
Green revolution
Physical, social, economic access to safe and nutritious food all the time
Food security
The hemisphere meat is the dominant source of protein in
Negatives of commercial agriculture
Reduces workforce, pesticides, urbacides, reduces competition
Type of migration involved in pastoral nomadism
Benefits of genetic modification
Higher yields, increased nutrition, increased resistance to pests
Form of subsistence agriculture, people shift frequently from one field to another
Shifting Cultivation
Three leading cereal grains
Wheat, maize, rice
The two countries coffee originated from
Ethiopia, Yemen
Top two dairy producers
United States, India
Conservation tillages reduce
Soil erosion and runoff