Food Poisoning
Food Safety
Appliance Safety
Cooking Safety
Home Safety

Can you see, smell, or taste bacteria in food?

No. You need a microscope to see the bacteria


Is it ok to let mayonnaise become room temperature?

No. Bacteria easily grows on mayonnaise.


It is ok to have electrical appliances close to water sources. 

No, that is dangerous.  Electric and water need to be kept separate or far apart. 


It is ok to eat meat that is raw or not throughly cooked.

No. It increases your chances of getting food poisoning.


Should dishes be damp or dry when you put them away in the cabinets?

Dry. Damp dishes can grow mold in a dark cabinet.


Who should you call first if you think you have food poisoning?

The doctor


When grocery shopping, you should always get your meats and frozen foods last.

Yes. You want to keep those foods cold or frozen.


How should you place silverware in the dishwasher? With fork prongs and knife blades facing up or facing down in the holder. 

Facing down in the holder. 


What two foods should be kept separate when cutting them?

Meat and produce (fruits and vegetables)


Identify 2 things we use to wash and dry our dishes that need to be cleaned frequently.

Sponges,  dish rag,  and  kitchen towels


Identify 2 symptoms of food poisoning

Nausea, vomiting, headache, stomach cramps, fever


It is ok to pack raw meat and other groceries in the same bag when bagging groceries?

No. Meat should be kept separate from the rest of your other groceries.


What is something you can do to help foods stay cold longer in the refrigerator if the electric goes out? 

Keep the refrigerator doors closed. 


When cooking over the stove or using the microwave, it is ok to walk away or even leave the kitchen. 

No. It could take seconds if something were to go wrong. 


What things in our kitchen need to be wiped down every day.

Counter tops, faucets, and frig handles


How long does it take for symptoms of food poisoning to show up? 

30 minutes and up to 10 days from eating the food


If food looks or smells funny, it is of to eat it any way. Even if you just bought it. 

No. It is too risky. 


What should you do if an appliance is not working correctly?

Let your parents know, fix or replace.  Do not keep using the appliance. 


Identify 3 ways to prevent food poisoning from happening

Clean,  Cook,  Chill, Separate


Why should you be careful using liquid Drano when you have a drain clog? 

Drano can irritate skin and eyes. 


Identify 1 bacteria that causes food poisoning

E. coli,  Salmonella,  Listeria


Identify 3 foods that are known to cause food poisoning if not properly cleaned.

Leafy greens,  eggs, tuna, oysters, potatoes, cheese, melons,  and  mayonnaise


What should you do if there is food and grease built up on the stove top and near the burners? 

Clean and clear of any food. It can be a fire hazard. 


What can be used to put out a small kitchen fire? 

Get rid of any oxygen ( put a lid over fire) and turn off burner , baking soda, salt, fire extinguisher.


Identify 4 items that should never be close to the edge of the kitchen counter? 

Sharp knives,  silverware,  pots, dishes, and anything that is sharp or hot.