What fruit is the same name as its colour?
An orange
What meat comes from a cow?
How many types of carbohydrates are there?
2 (simple and complex carbohydrates)
How many groups are on the food wheel?
What is the only fruit to have the seeds on the outside?
A strawberry
What category of meat comes from the water?
What are the main examples of proteins?
Eggs, milk and meats
According to the food pyramid, which foods should you eat daily?
Grains/cereals, pulses/nuts, fruits and vegetables
What food is commonly mistaken for a vegetable but is actually a fruit?
A tomato
What percentage of our body mass is made up of water?
What is the recommended amount of daily fibre intake?
25 g
What vegetable has the highest amount of water?
A cucumber
What is the most common meat eaten in the world?
What are the main characteristics of a lipid?
They aren't soluble (it doesn't dissolve) and it has an oily appearance
What foods are included in the Mediterranean diet?
Olive oil, pulses, grains, fish, fruit and vegetables
Name 2 types of flowers we can eat
Broccoli and Cauliflower
According to the Healthy Eating Pyramid, what is the recommended amount of daily servings of meat?
2-3 servings
Where do saturated and unsaturated fats come from?
Saturated = animals
Unsaturated = plants (usually liquid)
Low-cholesterol diets are recommended for people who are at risk at suffering from what?
Circulatory diseases