Food Chains
Food Webs
Real World Examples
Energy Pyramids

This type of organism is the start of every food chain.

What is a producer?


The frog eats these organisms.

What are the grasshopper, butterfly, dragonfly, and fruit fly? 


These organisms were the apex predator in Yellowstone National Park.

What are wolves? 


This percent of energy is passed from one trophic level to the next.

What is 10%

These are the products of photosynthesis.

What are oxygen and glucose? 


This organism would play the role of the secondary consumer in this food chain.

What is the frog? 


List one food chain from this food web.

Answers will vary. 


These organisms were first considered pests in Sparrow Girl.

What are rats, mosquitoes, sparrows, and flies? 


Most of the energy in organisms is used or lost as this.

What is heat? 

The arrows point in this direction in a food web or chain.

What is toward the organism doing the eating/in the direction of where the energy flows? 


This arrows represent this in a food chain.

What is the flow/direction of energy? 


This is the difference between a food chain and a food web.

What is food chains are simpler representations of feeding relationships. Food webs are multiple food chains put together. 


When the wolves were removed, these organisms started to overpopulate in Yellowstone National Park.

What are the elk (herbivores)? 


Organisms located at this point in the pyramid need many food sources because each source gives little energy.

What is at the top of the pyramid? 


This type of effect is when the size of a population is impacted through the changes of another population.

What is an indirect effect? 


This type of organism has the most energy in a food chain.

What is the producers? 


The bird plays these roles in this food web.

What are the primary and secondary consumer?


This is the reason sparrows were not considered to be pests in Sparrow Girl.

What is sparrows ate the insects that ate the human food (rice and grains)? 

As you go up the pyramid, the population of organisms gets smaller because of this.

What is there is not enough available energy? 

This type of organism can be connected to all other organisms in the food web.

What is a decomposer? 


This would happen if the snake population were to suddenly decrease. (2 part answer) 

What is the frog population would increase due to less predators and the eagle population would decrease due to a lack of food? 


This would happen to the mice population if all owls were killed. This would then happen to the grain as a result. 

The mice population would grow out of control because they have no predators. The grain population would decrease because there would be too many mice eating grain. 


This is a possible impact of the overpopulation of elk in Yellowstone.

What is overeating/reduced population of producers? 


The buffalo grass starts with 5,000kj of energy. This means that the coyote would end up with this much energy. 

What is 50kj of energy?


This was the moral of the story in "There's a Hair in My Dirt".

What is humans are a misunderstanding with their relationship with nature. Additionally, decomposers break down dead organisms and are essential to the health of the ecosystem?