Bell Peppers are...
A) fruits
B) vegetables
The oldest kitchen utensil...
A) spoon
B) fork
C) knife
the process of breaking down food by mechanical and enzymatic action
The month that National Soup day is in
German scientists can turn this food into diamonds...
A) peanut butter
B) pineapple
C) Mozzarella cheese
D) garlic
Peanut Butter
This food has the most potassium...
C) bananas
D) potatoes
E) oranges
F) grapefruit
This many teaspoons are in one tablespoon
What is hunger?
A)The absence of nutrients in the body
B)The physical need to eat
C)The craving of food
D)The desire to eat
B) The physical need to eat
The number of groups of soup...
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
A)2... Thick Soup and Clear Soup
Daily Double!
This is the most stolen food in the world
1) cheese
2) caviar
3) bread
4) lasagna
Daily Double!
This berry is not actually a berry...
1) blueberry
2) blackberry
3) cranberry
This ingredient makes food taste more like itself
What is healthier oatmeal or bacon?
Oatmeal - This breakfast staple contains fewer calories and less saturated fat per serving compared to its counterpart, making it a healthier option.
The word soup comes from...
E) a German word
F) a Latin word
G) a French word
H) all the above
All of the Above
This much land is used for farming...
I) 10%
J) 20%
K) 30%
L) 40%
You can use dried slices of this fruit to make potpourri (HINT: The most popular one to use for potpourri)...
K) pears
L) apples
M) plums
N) apricots
The most popular cereal in the US
What is healthier broccoli or mashed potatoes?
Broccoli - In the realm of side dishes, this green vegetable offers fewer calories and more essential nutrients per serving compared to its starchy counterpart.
The most popular American soup...
Chicken Noodle Soup
Burger King was first opened in this state...
M) Florida
N) Michigan
O) Texas
P) Oregon
You can use this vegetable as an eraser...
O) carrot
P) onion
Q) cucumber
R) cabbage
Daily Double!
The second most popular type of chips in the US
1) Lays
2) Doritos
3) Pringles
4) Cheetos
What is healthier spiralized zucchini (zoodles) or traditional spaghetti?
Zoodles - When it comes to pasta alternatives, one option boasts fewer carbs and more fiber per serving, while the other is made from refined flour and lacks essential nutrients.
Americans eat about this many bowls of soup per year...
M) 10 million
N) 15 million
O) 10 billion
P) 15 billion
10 billion
Daily Double!
True or False: Buttermilk is only 25% butter
False. There is no butter at all in buttermilk