Meat and Beans
True or False Fruit is a good source of protein?
What is False, Fruits are a good source of vitamins, especially Vitamin C.
Name 5 "green" vegetables
What is broccoli, spinach, green beans, peas, lettuce, kale, asparagus, cucumbers, avocados, etc.
America's favorite ice cream flavor is: a. vanilla b. chocolate c. strawberry d. Neapolitan (chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla)
What is vanilla. According to an International Ice Cream Association survey posted on, 29% of Americans rank vanilla as their favorite flavor.
True or False Carbohydrates are your major fuel source.
What is true.

Name 2 types of Lean Meat and 1 type of oily fish you should consume. 

turkey, poultry without skin, eggs, salmon/ mackerel 

True or False Fruit punch is a good way to get your daily serving of fruit.
What is False. It contains too much sugar. You should eat whole fruits or be sure that the label says 100% fruit juice.
True or False If I need to get more fiber, I should eat more vegetables.
What is True. Vegetables are a good source of fiber, which helps the digestive system.

True or False milk promotes strong bones?

What is true. 

True or False Popcorn belongs in the grain group
What is true. It's our state snack. Illinois is a top producer of popcorn.
True or False Protein supplies energy, builds cells and blood and aids in the growth of healthy muscles, organs, skin and hair.
What is true.
True or False Raisins belong in the fruit category.
What is True. Raisins are dried grapes.
True or False Horseradish is a vegetable.
What is True. Horseradish is technically a vegetable, although it is commonly treated as a condiment or ingredient. Collinsville, IL is the Horseradish Capital of the World.
Milk and milk products contain: a. calcium b. potassium c. protein d. all of the above
What is all of the above.
Grains are used to make which of the following: a. flour b. livestock feed c. starches d. all of the above
What is all of the above.
True or False Eggs belong in the meat and beans group.
What is true. Eggs are poultry.
Which of the following does not belong in the fruit group? a. apples b. bananas c. orange juice d. none of the above
What is none of the above. They all belong to the fruit group.
Which of the following vegetables help with eyesight? a. green beans b. peppers c. carrots d. all of the above
What is c-carrots. They contain beta-carotene and Vitamin A which are both good for healthy eyesight.

Name 5 dairy Products 

What is Milk Cheese Yogurt Ice Cream and Butter (Whipped Cream)


How many grains should we consume per day?

what is 6 servings 

Which of these foods does not belong in the meat and beans food group a. chicken b. pork chop c. peanut butter d. none of the above
What is none of the above. All listed foods belong in the meat and beans group.
True or false Pumpkin is a fruit?
What is True. Pumpkins are considered a fruit because they contain seeds. Morton, Illinois is the Pumpkin Capital of the World.
True or False Field corn or dent corn is a vegetable.
What is False. It is a grain.

How many servings of dairy should we have per day?

What is 3

How much of your grain consumption should be whole grains?
What is at least half - "make half your grains whole"

How Many servings of proteins should we consume per day?

What is Five and a half-ounces (5 ½-ounces)