An illness that results from eating contaminated foods.
What is foodborne illness?
Danger Zone
What is 41* to 140*?
Serve or discard food within ___ days after you open it?
What is 7?
What is Temperature Control for Safety foods?
What food item goes on top shelf in refrigerator?
What is Ready to eat foods?
Finding a hair in your food is a type of what hazard?
What is a physical hazard?
Temperature for cooked chicken
What is 165*?
Foods consumed without further cooking
What is Ready to Eat Foods?
One way to thaw TCS foods
What is
Refrigeration, Running water, Microwaving, Cooking
What item goes on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator?
What is raw meat?
What is potentially hazard foods?
Temperature for packaged ready to eat foods? (hotdogs)
What is 135*?
3 parts of washing dishes
What is Wash, Rinse, Sanitize?
How often to measure food's internal temperature?
What is every 2 hours?
Procedure for fruits and vegetables?
What is wash before eating?
What is moisture?
Part where the thermometer goes.
What is the thickest part of the food?
20 seconds
What is how long to wash your hands?
Time that hot food needs to be cooled to 41*
What is 6 hours?
Avoid this contact with food
What is bare hand?
2 of the 4 Biological hazards?
What is
Bacteria, Viruses, Parasites, Fungi?
Time and Temperature for reheating foods
What is 165* within 2 hours?
3 out of 5 tools to use with ready to eat foods
What is gloves, tongs, scoops, deli tissue or utensils?
Procedure for food that is not 41* or lower, or 135* or higher.
What is throw out?
Soap and water vs. chemical or heat
What is Cleaning vs. Sanitizing?