What is a Diet?
A diet is any food that a person normally eats everyday.
What is Nutrition?
This is the study of nutrients and their relationship with food.
What are proteins?
Proteins are macro- nutrients made of amino acids.
What are the elements of Carbohydrates?
They are made of Hydrogen and oxygen.
What are Fats?
These are substances that help the body use vitamins and keep the skin healthy.
What is a special Diet?
A diet that helps individuals make changes in their eating habits.
Who is a nutrionist?
A person who advises on the matter of food and nutrition and its impact on human health.
What is the chemical composition of Proteins?
Oxygen, Hydrogen , carbon, nitrogen and sometimes Phosphorus and sulphur
What do carbohydrates provide the body with?
Carbohydrates provide the body with energy.
What are 2 types of Unsaturated fats?
Monounsaturated & Polyunsaturated fats
What is health?
health is a stae of complete physical, mental and social well being.
What is malnutrtion?
An incorrect or unbalanced intake of nutrients.
what is High Biological Value? (HBV)
These are proteins that have all the essential amino acids in the right proportion.
What are Disaccharides?
These are called double sugars because they compse of two monosaccharides joined together.
What visible fats?
Visible fats are fats that are easy to detect in foods
What are Dietary Guidelines?
These guidelines refers to dietary recommendations that help people choose their foods and improve their health.
What is the Nutritrive Valve of Food?
This is the measure of a well balanced ratio off essential nutrients like carbohydrates , fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins.
What is Low Biological Value? (LBV)
These are proteins that lack one or more of the essential amino acids.
Name 2 Disaccharides.
Sucrose and Maltose
Name 4 visible fats .
Fats, butter, Margarine and Lard .
Name 2 dietary Guidelines
1. Eat fatty foods to a minimum
2. Reduce sugar intake
What is a Nutrional Status?
This the condition of a person's health that is influenced by the intake of nutrients.
What is a Complementary Protein?
Combining two or more incomplete proteins of LB so that it can provide adequate amouunts of all the essential amino acids.
Name 2 functions of Carbohydrates
1. Promotes weight loss
2.Source of energy
What are 2 functions of fats?
1. Provides a concentrated source of energy.
2. Provides satisfactory after meals.