The function of flour
What is the main ingredient and gives structure
True or False: Crsip and chewy cookies should be stored together.
What is false
True or False: It is ok to use the same cutting board for vegetables and meats.
What is false
The way to measure 1/4 cup brown sugar.
What is pack the brown sugar into 1/4 cup measuring cup and level off.
The best attachment to use on a Kitchen Aid mixer whip eggs into stiff peaks?
What is the whisk attachment.
To beat fat (like butter) with sugar until light and fluffy
What is cream
Metal pans are best to bake cookies on because...
What is thet conduct heat better and more evenly
Fill in the blank: Remember that ________ & _______ are just as essential as using soap.
What is Temperature and time
The reason to sift flour.
What is elminates lumps, more accurate measuring, aerates flour, creates a light and fluffy texture. (Any one is acceptable.)
To gently combine two mixtures by cutting down through the center
What is fold.
To gently combine ingredients, usually using a spatula.
What is fold
The distance drop cookies should be spaced
What is 2"
The three groups of people who are more susceptible to food poisoning
What are youn children, older people and immunocompromised people,
Standard measuring spoons come in what 4 sizes?
What is:
1 T
1 tsp
1/2 tsp
1/4 tsp
To work or press dough with the palms of the hand
What is knead.
Three examples of leavening agents
What is baking soda, baking powder, steam or yeast
The type of cookie that is a firm dough formed into long rolls then refrigerated then sliced
What is refrigerator cookie
Two main causes of food poisoning
What are: food not cooked thoroughly, food not stored properly, dirty or contaminated untensils, poor personal hygiene, food from unsafe sources (any two are acceotable)
Give the equialent: 1 T + ____ tsp
What is 3.
The function of flour.
What is provides structure.
The leavening agent that needs acide in order to react
What is baking soda
The order dishes should be washed in.
What is:
1. glasses 2. flatware 3. plates & bowls 4. serving dishes 5. pots and pans
The equivalent of one cup in ounes.
What is 8.
The 5 Steps to washing dishes in the correct order.
What are:
1. Scrape food particle off dishes
2. Pre-rinse dishes lightly
3. Wash in hot, soapy water
4. Rinse in hot water
5. Air dry or dry with a clean towel