How long should you wash your hands for?
2 lengths of Happy Birthday song.
True or false: When waiting for something to finish baking in the oven, you can mess around and be on your phone.
Where does bacteria spread?
Everywhere that is not cleaned.
Why should you turn the stove off after using?
If the stove is left on people may burn themselves or the food may overcook.
How do you check for temperature?
By using a thernometer.
Why should you wear an apron in the kitchen?
The apron protects the food from your clothes and your clothes from the food.
What does cross contamination mean?
Cross contamination is the process of germs spreading from one place to another.
Why shouldn't you leave oven mitts on the stove?
The mitts will melt because they're made of rubber.
What should you do if you are sick?
Wear a mask or don't come to school.
Why should you use a cutting board when chopping ingredients?
To prevent damage to the counter and to the knife.
What should you do if you are suspecting the packaging is damaged?
When in doubt, throw it out!
Why should you turn the pot handle in?
To keep people from bumping into it and injuring themselves or spilling the contents.
What temperature should meat be while fully cooked?
74 Celcius
Why should you make sure cuts are covered before cooking?
Cuts can be a source of bacteria, which may contaminate the food.
Why should you keep knives out of the sink?
It's easy to cut yourself if the sink's contents are obscured by soapy water.
Why should you keep raw foods separate from cooked foods?
To prevent bacteria from the raw food getting into the cooked food.
What are two big issues of leaving the oven open?
Items taking longer to cook as heat escapes oven.
Bumping/tripping hazard and potentially burning hazard.
What are three things safe food handling includes?
Actions you take, way you store, use and dispose of food, and the choices you make each day.
What should you do if glass breaks in a sink?
Drain the sink and clean it up afterwards.
What are three things you should check for in the packaging?
Rips in packet.
Signs of damage.
Stored incorrectly.
Expiry date.
What do you use to put out a fire in the kitchen?