What should you do with a dishcloth to avoid contamination
How can you cough and practice good hygiene
cover your mouth
If you are buying something at the store, how do you know that it is fresh and safe to eat?
Check the "use by" date
Name one way that food can get cross contaminated
Dirty Hands
How can you sneeze and practice good hygiene?
cover your nose, sneeze into your elbow
What should I do before preparing food?
Wash hands
Name another way that food can get cross contaminated
Keeping raw food next to fresh food
How can you clean your nose and practice good hygiene
use a tissue and throw away the tissue.
You are cutting up food to help prepare for the restaurant opening. Do you use the same knife for cutting tomatoes as cutting raw meat?
Name a way that foods can get cross contaminated
How can you practice good hygiene if you need to scratch your face
Wash your hands
I don't like to wash my fruit before eating them. I like to eat them right away.
Am I eating safely?
NO- vegetables and fruit need to always be washed before eating.
You can towel dry them if you wish.
Name one way that food can get cross contaminated
cigarette butts
Tell me how to wash your hands
Sing Happy Birthday twice?
Sometimes I get lazy and leave my leftover food out over night.
Should I eat it the next day?
It is best to refrigerate left over food and dont wait too long before you eat it.