burns, cuts, and fires
hand washing and correct sanitation/ cleaning
cross contamination
proper first aid
times, temperatures and hazardous foods

what do you do if you burn yourself in kitchen?

Cool the burn. Hold the burned area under cool running water or apply a cool, wet compress until the pain eases.


how long do you wash your hands before cooking 

 Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.


what does cross contamination mean 

the process by which bacteria or other microorganisms are unintentionally transferred from one substance or object to another, with harmful effect.


what is a first aid kit 

 a box containing equipment needed to give immediate medical help in an emergency.


what tempature should you keep your fridge 

40 degrees 


what do you do if you cut yourself in the kitchen 

 Clean it with soap and water. Apply pressure to the cut with a clean cloth or bandage for a few minutes to stop the bleeding.


whats the best thing to clean your kitchen 

Mix a 50/50 solution of vinegar and warm water and put into a spray bottle


why is cross contamination unsafe 

food comes into contact with anything which may pass bacteria or other harmful items to it


when is it necessary to use a first aid kit in the kitchen 

when and injuries to yourself or others occur 


what tempature should you keep your freezer 

0 degrees


what are the differnt types of kitchen fires 

  • Oil or grease fires 
  • Electrical and appliance fires.
  • Fires caused by flammable items being too close to a heat source.

best ways to keep your area sanitary 

Proper cleaning and sanitizing of all food contact surfaces and utensils, Proper cleaning and sanitizing of food equipment


what are some foods to be care with 

raw meats, dirty fruits and vegetables 


what should be in your first aid kit 

list 5 

gloves, tweezers, sissors, bandages, gauzes, instant cold pack, emergency blanket


how long should potato salad sit unrefridgerated befor being thrown away

2 hours 


how do u prevent a grease fire in the kitchen 

  1. Never leave your pot or pan unattended. 
  2. Pay attention around fire.
  3. Remove as much moisture as possible from food before cooking
  4. Keep grease at the recommended temperature.
  5. Heat oil slowly.
  6. Add food slowly and gently to hot oil to avoid splatter

how frequently should you wash your hands in the kitchen 

Wash your hands often when you cook to prevent the spread of germs. 


how do you prevent cross contamination 

Keep it clean:

Wash hands and surfaces often


where should you keep your first aid kit in your kitchen 

 somewhere it is easily accessible 


what is the ¨danger zone¨

the temperature range in which food-borne bacteria can grow


what 2 items should you keep in/near your kitchen in case of emergencies

fire extinguisher and first aid kit 


why is handwashing so important in the kitchen 

prevents cross contamination within the food 


 casualties because of cross contamination 

more than 60 people in the last year 


why is having first aid so important 

in case of emergencies 


how long should you let meat sit unrefridgerated 

 Both raw and cooked meat should not be left at room temperature for more than two hours.