Food Borne Illness
Random Info.
Personal Hygiene
Knives/Cutting Food

What 3 three things prevent a Listeria outbreak?

1. Wash your hands

2. Use ready to eat foods by the use by date

3. Chill food at the correct temperature


What do you use to pick up hot dishes?

Pot holders (only)


How do you wash your hands correctly?

Wash for 30 seconds (long enough to sing Happy Birthday)

Have enough soap to foam in hands and keep hands out of the water while scrubbing

Use water that is as hot as you can tolerate


When do you connect the electrical applicance to the wall?

Only when you have dry hands


When cutting food with a knife, how do you cut from the body?

Cut away from the body.


What is E. Coli and what are the symptoms of it?

E. Coli is contaminated meat from a cow's intestines

Severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting


What three things can you put hot dishes on?

Pot holders

Hot pads

cutting boards


Where do you dry your hands while cooking?

On a clean, disposable paper towel


When can you put an electrical applicance in water?

When it reads immersable


What do you do with knives and sharp objects when they need to be washed?

Wash them right away. Do not put them in the bottom of the dish


What is Clostriduim Perfringens?

It is the most common type of food poisoning.

Common sources of infection include meat, poultry, gravies, and other foods cooked in large batches and held at an unsafe temperature.


How do you smother a grease fire?

Use a lid from the pan or sprinkle baking soda


What do you do with your hair on lab days?

Keep hair out of your eyes and face. Long hair will be tied back and a bandana wil be worn.


What do you do with the mixer when putting in beaters?

Make sure it is turned off or unplugged


How do you chop and mince food? What do you do if you cut yourself in lab?

On a level surface with a cutting board and tell Ms. Dunn right away if you cut away!


What is the most common cause of Salmonella?

 by eating raw or undercooked meat, poultry, and eggs or egg products or by drinking unpasteurized milk


What happens if you burn yourself on lab days?

Put your hand under cold water immediately and have someone get Ms. Dunn


What are the two things that should be removed when cooking?

Loose and baggy clothing


How do you prevent dangerous falls?

Push in chairs

Keep cords close to the wall

Immediately clean up any spilled food or water


When do most accidents happen in a kitchen?

When you are in a hurry. Slow down and be careful


How does the Norovirus spread?

  • eat food or drink liquids that are contaminated with norovirus,
  • touch surfaces or objects contaminated with norovirus and then put your fingers in your mouth, or
  • have direct contact with someone who is infected with norovirus, such as by caring for them or sharing food or eating utensils with them.
How do you use a can opener properly?

Go all the way around the lid. Do not leave the lid attached and be sure to throw it away because it is sharp and can cut you. 


List 5 things you should wear when cooking.

Close toed shoes, Short sleeved clothes, Clean clothes, A  bandana, An apron (if possible)


What do you do with the handle of a pot or pan while cooking food?

Make sure the handle is turned away from you or away from the edge of the counter so it doesn't get spilled


What is cross contamination and how can it happen using cutting boards?

It happens when uncooked food touches ready to eat food. It is important to use different cutting boards for meat.