Define TCS Foods and provide an example
Temperature Controlled for Safety (ex. Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dairy, etc.)
How long should you wash your hands for?
10-15 seconds.
What sink is used to wash your hands?
The hand-washing sink
What are the 3 types of contaminants?
Biological, Physical, and Chemical
What makes up a food-borne illness outbreak?
When 2 or more people get sick from eating a common food
What temperatures are considered to be in the Temperature Danger Zone (TCS foods)
In between 41°F-135°F
What is the difference between sanitizing and cleaning?
Sanitizing= Removing pathogens
Cleaning= Removing debris
Should chemicals have their own room away from the kitchen or are they allowed in the kitchen?
Chemicals must ALWAYS be away from any kitchen and food used to cook and serve.
Define cross contamination
The transfer of microorganisms from one surface to another.
What causes food-borne illnesses?
Cross contamination, poor hygiene, time temp. abuse, etc.
What is the safe temperature for cooked poultry (chicken, duck, turkey)?
Describe the process of washing your hands
First, wet your hands with warm water. Second, Put soap on your hands. Third, Thoroughly wash your hands, forearms and fingernails. Forth, Rinse your hands. Lastly, Dry your hands with a single use paper towel.
What is the process of using a 3-sink?
1.) Remove debris off of dishes
2.) Rinse the dish off
3.) Sanitize
What is Cross-Connection?
A connection between public water and drinkable water
How many inches off the ground should the lowest shelf be?
6 inches
What temperature should food be held at?
How long does a dish have to sit in sanitizer?
30 seconds
How should outside garbage containers be covered?
With tight fitting lids
Norovirus, Salmonella Typhi, Hepatitis A, Salmonella Non-Typhi, Shigella Spp., E. Coli
What method is used to calibrate a thermometer?
The ice point method
What is the temperature for reheating food?
What chemicals are used to sanitize?
Chlorine, Iodine, and Quats
Do outside garbage containers have to be away from customer parking areas?
What is the difference between cross-contamination, cross-connection, and cross-contact? (provide 1 example for each)
Cross-Contamination= When pathogens are transferred from one surface to another (ex. raw chicken touch cooked veggies)
Cross-Connection= When dirty water touches clean water (ex. back-flow in a pipe)
Cross-contact= When allergens touch non-allergens (ex. peanut sauce on chicken)
What is FIFO and what does it mean?
First in first out= Older products get moved to the front of the stock and the new ones are placed behind