Offer vs Serve
Grab Bag

What is the number one way to prevent foodborne illness in a food service environment? 



All refrigerated foods must be stored at or below ___ and frozen foods must be stored at or below ___?

41 degrees; 0 degrees


What are the five components we offer daily for lunch?

Grain/Bread; Meat/Meat Alternate/Protein; Fruit; Vegetable; Milk


What information do we need to record for each item on the production worksheet?

Number of servings prepared for students, what temperature it was served at, amount leftover.


What does FIFO stand for and how is it used?

First In, First Out; Used for rotating all stock


All opened foods (in cooler) are date marked "good" for how many days out?

5 days


How many components must a student have on a tray to make it a reimbursable meal?



How do we prepare sanitizing buckets? 

Fill with room temperature; add about 5 drops sanitizer solution; use pH test strip to check strength. 

Replace every two hours, or when water is visibly dirty. 


All food and chemicals must be stored how high off the ground per regulation and why?

6 inches; To prevent pest and others contamination


Hot food must initially be cooled to at or below what temperature within how long?

At or below 70 degrees within 2 hours


What must every student have on his or her tray to create a reimbursable lunch?

1/2 cup fruit or vegetable


What goes on every food label? 

Item name, date stored, use by date, your initials.


Describe the proper hand washing procedure (including length of time). 

Wash hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds; Dry hands with paper towels and use paper towels to turn off faucet; Put on clean gloves


Based on preparation and temperature. how would you place these items in a cooler: Raw ground beef, raw chicken breast, tuna salad

Top to bottom: tuna salad, raw ground beef, raw chicken breast

(Ground beef cooks to 160 degrees; Raw chicken to 165 degrees)


How do we identify allergen meals?

All allergen meals are placed in red bags with the student's name. Student information must remain confidential and cannot be visible to anyone beyond the kitchen staff and servers.


Name a few ways that we can encourage students to eat their meals. 

1. Check with see if they've tried their food

2. Make sure they have the proper utensil

3. Find out what they do or don't like about their meal

4. Help younger students if needed


Describe a dress-code compliant employee from head to toe. (Five main parts, more detail the better)

Hair net or visor/Clean, simple shirt with apron/Clean pants or shorts 2" above knee with no holes/Non-slip shoes with socks/Simple or no jewelry


Name 3 food safety reasons you would reject food upon delivery.

Outside safe temperature range; Frozen item contains ice crystals showing refreezing; Dented/damaged products; Expiration date close or passed


Is this a reimbursable meal for a K-8 student: Jackfruit taco (with corn tortillas) refried beans.

Yes; Jackfruit is a vegetable; minimum three components


What can we do the help students enjoy school food at AGC?