Pest Control
Allergens and Contaminants
Sanitizer and Chemicals

This range of temperatures is known as the Temperature Danger Zone.

What is 41 -135 Degrees


This location holds the Stores Pest Control Binder, which all team members must use to report any sightings.

What is the Customer Service Desk. 


These allergens are also known as WFM STEPS(S)

What is Wheat, Fish, Milk, Soy, Tree Nuts, Eggs, Peanuts, Shellfish, Sesame


This is the minimum amount of time needed to properly wash hands. 

What is 20 seconds


This company services our sanitizer dispensers, provides chemical use training, and provides the chemicals we use in store. 

What is Diversey 


This term is used to describe food that requires time or temperature control measures, such as refrigeration, to limit pathogen growth.

What is TCS Food


Signs of this pest includes gnawed product or holes in the wall. 

What is a rodent


When one food accidentally comes in contact with another, and those foods contain allergens, we call it this…

What is Cross Contact


During the handwashing process, food workers should scrub these three areas. 

What is the hands, wrists, and lower arms


How often must in-use utensils/tools be washed, rinsed and sanitized?

What is every 4 hours


Eggs that will be held for service must be cooked to this temperature, for at least 15 seconds.

What is 155 Degrees


This spray is used to clean drains, grates, and baskets. It is an important step to preventing pest breeding, such as flies. 

What is Suma Bio Floor


This agency defines the major allergens. 

What is the FDA


In order for a hands ink to be considered available for proper use, it must follow these 3 rules. 

What Accessible at all times, not blocked, not used for any other purpose 


All chemicals, also referred to as Toxic Substances, in each department must follow these rules. 

What is Properly Identified (Labeled), Stored Properly (In proper dispensers), and used according to printed guidance. 


For food being thawed via submerging under water, these 4 key rules must be followed.

What is Cold, Running, Water is safe to drink, and must be 70 degrees or colder.


Signs of a cockroach presence may include these 3 things. 

What is Strong Oily Smell, Egg Casings, and "Black Pepper Droppings" 


o prevent cross-contamination, raw fish, pastries, and raw turkey should be stored in what order, top to bottom?

What is Pastries, Raw Fish, Raw Turkey.


Bacteria grows best within this PH Range. 

What is slightly acidic or neutral (4.6-7)


This item is used to make sure sanitizer solution is at the proper concentration?

What are Test Strips


Food must reach this temperature, when being reheated, before it is served.

What is 165 Deg F within 2 hours


The moment this popular fall item is picked, it begins to rot and emit an odor that attracts pests such as mice and rats. 

What is a Pumpkin


To prevent contamination and pests, where should wiping cloths be when not in use?

What is submerged in sanitizer or discarded into dirty towel locker.


A beard of this length must be covered by a beard net, when a team member is working in a production area. 

What is any length


All sanitizer must test within this PPM Range, before being utilized in the department.

What is between 200-400 PPM