Fridge Facts
Stay Germ Free
Cooking Care
Dont cross me!

Before handling food, you should wash your hands for a minimum of how many seconds?

20 Seconds or 2 Happy Birthday Songs


The temperature of a refrigerator and cold items should be kept at ___________ or colder..

41 Degrees Fahrenheit 

When should you wash your hands? (List 3)
What is before and after handling food, after going to the bathroom, handling pets, money, etc..

If you have any doubts about a food, should you discard the food?



Why is it important to properly wash and sanitize a cutting board?

To prevent contamination from one food to another food


Can I use hand sanitizer instead of water and soap?

No. You can use hand sanitizer AFTER you wash your hands with soap.

What temperatures are recommended for FREEZING foods?
What is 0 degrees.

If you are sick, what should your manager do?

Send you home on sick leave. DO NOT WORK.

You left cooked food out on the counter for 8 hours, what should you do? a. Cook the food for an additional 30 minutes. b. Eat the food. c. Throw the food away.
What is throw the food away.

What happens when the chef touches raw bacon then touches pancakes?

The raw bacon can contaminate the pancakes.


Before touching food that is ready to eat, you must...

a) Put your hands under warm running water

b) Wash your hands with soap and warm water

c) Put on latex-free disposable gloves

d) Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

b) Wash your hands with soap and warm water


True or False: Germ growth is controlled with food temperature.

True! It is important to keep foods at under 41 degrees or over 135/140 degrees. 


When you have a fever and a runny nose:

a) Take medicine and go to work

b) Wear gloves when you touch food

c) Talk with the manager about your symptoms

d) Keep a box of tissues near your workstation

c) Talk to your manager about your symptoms

Food temperatures in hot holding units must maintain a temperature of ______ or above.

135/140 degrees.

Which food should you always keep separate to avoid cross-contamination? a. Fresh vegetables and raw meat. b. Raw chicken. c. Fresh peeled potatoes d. Cooked meat and vegetables.
What is fresh vegetables and raw meat

If I wear gloves, I do not need to wash my hands? True or False.

False, you need to wash your hands before and after wearing gloves

why are temperatures between 40 and 140 degrees F called the "danger zone"?
What is bacteria will multiply rapidly and the food will become unsafe to eat.

It is important to call your manager when you 

a) Have pink eye

b) Have allergies that make you sneeze

c) Have dark color urine and yellow skin

d) Have fatigue, sneezing spells and a headache

c) Dark color urine and yellow skin (Jaundice)


What's the maximum amount of time that you can leave any leftover chicken out on the table, in case anyone wants to go back for more? A. 20 Minutes B. 2 hours C. 4 hours

What is 2 hours.


Will this cause food borne illness?

Cleaning dirty dishes and then immediately preparing salad.

Yes!! You need to wash your hands first before preparing salad.

What are some symptoms of Foodborne Illness?

Diarrhea, Nausea and Vomiting

When thawing meat in the refrigerator place it on a plate on the _________ shelf.
What is bottom.

You can contaminate food when you...

a) Discard food in the TDZ

b) Have infected wounds and injuries

c) Take a break in appropriate areas

d) Keep chemicals away from food

b) Infected wounds and injuries


Why does meat need to be cooked to a certain temperature?

Temperature and heat can kill germs/pathogens in meat.

What are the three main causes of Foodborne Illness?

Improper Handwashing, Food Contamination and Lack of Temperature Control