Thou shall never break these.
Do's and don'ts of zapping your food.
Cooking At The Ritz (Fancy place)
Dat Boi is here with delicious memes
Thou shall do this before touching any foods.
What is washing your hands.
This object used for stirring should never be placed in the microwave.
What is a metal spoon.
If you were cooking at the Ritz and you cut your finger, you do this first.
What is washing your hands thoroughly.
This device will decrease the chance of a fire and this device will notify you right away if there ever is a fire starting or occurring. What is it?
What is Fire alarm?
If you see a troll face, these are the comics it came from.
What are Rage comics.
Thou shall wear these before taking out a hot pan.
What is Oven Mitts.
When you put a whole potato in the microwave you get this.
What is an explosion.
If you were cooking at the Ritz and you realize there is a pie ready you use these to take them out.
What are oven mitts.
You’re leaving the kitchen but notice that the _____ is still on. You turn it off immediately. You switched off this appliance.
What is an oven.
HI!!! It's _______ ____ here with a special Tv offer!
Who is Billy Mays
Thou shall wear this form of armour when cutting frozen foods.
What is a metal mitt.
Once is the max number of times you should do this.
What is re-heating food.
If you were cooking at the Ritz you use this sink to wash your hands and a separate sink to wash food. These names are.
What are a hand washing sink and a food washing sink.
You see raw meat leaking on the top shelf, you do this to help keep the safety of others safe.
What is disposing contaminated foods.
There is a guy who comes up to you and says, There's no stages to love, you know the rules and so do I. That guy is _____
Who Is Rick Astley
Thou shall never put a knife in under this object.
What is a cutting board.
something exploded in the microwave you do this.
What is cleaning up.
If you were cooking at the Ritz and see someone itch their hair you remind them to do this after.
What is washing their hands.
You notice that a dish towel is a little too close to the stove that is currently on and in use. You do this immediately
What is moving it away?
A song comes on that says In west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys who were up to no good Started making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared. This is the show it comes from
What is Fresh prince of Bel Air
Thou shall never put meat on this shelf.
What is the top or middle shelf.
You get this if you put a grape in a microwave.
What is plasma. (DON'T DO THIS ANYWHERE!!)
If you were cooking at the Ritz and someone asks for extra garnish on their mean, that means this.
What is extra decoration.
You are trying to lift a heavy barrel full of sauce in the kitchen, but you notice that it is a little too heavy. You put the heavy barrel on the counter. What do you do instead of lifting?
What is getting a cart?
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
What is Nani!!!!