Foodborne Illness
4 C's
Food Storage
Accidents & Injuries
Another name for foodborne illness. 

What is food poisoning? 

Name the 4 c's to prevent foodborne illnesses. 

What is clean, cook, chill, and cross-contaminate/separate? 


The order to put food away when returning from the grocery store. 

What is frozen foods, refrigerated foods, then dry, canned, nonperishable foods last? 


Name 2 things that you do when you get burned. 

What is place body part in cold water and alert the supervisor? 

Seek medical attention if the burn is larger than 2-3 inches, is deep or the skin peels, or it becomes infected. 


Definition of Foodborne Illness. 

What is an illness caused by food made unsafe by bacteria, parasites, fungi, viruses, chemical or physical contaminants? 


Foodborne illness occurs when harmful ____ contaminates food. 

What is bacteria? 


Describe proper hand washing techniques. 

What is use water as hot as you can tolerate, use soap, scrub all over for 20-30 seconds (sing the ABC or happy birthday song), clean in between fingers, palms, backs of hands, and above wrists, rinse soap off completely, and use a paper towel to dry hands? 


3 ways to safely thaw frozen foods 

What is the refrigerator, in a sink of cold water, in the microwave? 


Definition of first aid kit. 

What is a box, bag, or pack that holds supplies used to treat minor injuries including cuts, scrapes, burns, bruises, and sprains? 


Definition of Pathogenic. 

What is causing or capable of causing a disease? 


Name 3 mild symptoms for foodborne illnesses. 

What is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps, headache, muscle pain, and fatigue? 


Name the maximum serving time for foods at any temperature.

What is 2 hours? 

Identify causes of Freezer burn. 

What is foods that have not been wrapped or packaged properly before freezing? 


Name the worst thing you can do when there is a fire.

What is pour water on it? 


Definition of Perishable. 

What is food that spoils easily or quickly? 


Identify 6 ways bacteria needs in order to multiply to harmful levels? 

What is FATTOM? 

Food, Acid, Temperature, Time, Oxygen, Moisture


Name 2 ways to prevent cross-contamination.

What are keep raw meat and juices away from ready-to-eat foods, keep a separate cutting board for raw meats, clean all cutting boards with hot, soapy water after each use, wash everything that touches raw food before using it? 


Explain how you should store leftover, cooked foods? 

What is cool foods down quickly, store in airtight container in plastic, foil, or zippered plastic bag, refrigerate or freeze as soon as meal is over? 


Three things that fire needs to survive. 

What is fuel, oxygen, heat? 

Definition of Cross-Contamination. 

What is spreading harmful bacteria from one food to another? 


Identify other things than living organisms can contaminate foods and cause illness?

What are chemicals, cleaning supplies, glass, plastic, wood chips, metal shavings, fingernails, jewelry, physical contaminants, etc.? 


Explain the aspects of proper cutting board use to prevent cross-contamination. 

What is use separate cutting boards for different foods, wash cutting boards thoroughly after each use in hot soapy water, air dry if possible, use clean plastic cutting board with no cracks? 


Identify the proper internal cooking temperatures for ground beef, pork, poultry, stuffing and sauces, leftovers, fish, and eggs.

What is: 

Ground beef-155℉ 

Beef, pork, lamb, veal- 145℉ 

Poultry & Stuffing, sauces, soups & Leftovers- 165℉ 

Fish & Eggs- 145℉


Identify 3 ways to prevent cuts when using knives? 

What is practice knife cutting skills, never leave a knife in the sink, especially soapy water, never try to catch a falling knife, keep your knives sharp- dull knives causes injury, only use knives for cutting- Never open a can with a knife?


Definition of Temperature Danger Zone. 

What is the temperature range at which bacteria grows fastest- between 40- 135 degrees Fahrenheit?