When is World Nutrition Day? (Hint: late May)
Tuesday, May 28th, 2019
In the US, hunger isn’t caused by a lack of food, but rather the continued prevalence of What?
What is the name of the event that the Y-Club and the Humanics in Action Club put on every year to raise awareness about food and insecurity around the world?
The Hunger Banquet
WHO is an organization that helps to promote nutrition and healthy living around the world. What does WHO stand for?
World Health Organization
What is one way to practice sustainable farming?
Planting cover crops
Crop rotation
_ in _ children globally are stunted and will not reach their full physical or cognitive potential.
1 in 4
What's the percentage of food is thrown out annually in America? $165 billion worth. All of this uneaten food could feed 25 million Americans.
You have 1 minute to find/research a healthy eating and or nutrition program offered at the YMCA.
Name the 5 main food groups
Protein, dairy, grains, vegetables, and fruits
What is the name of the "diet" when one only eats locally sourced food?
What is food security?
When all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life
What is the State with the highest percentage of food insecurity?
Arkansas (21.2%)
True or False: In Most Y's it costs more than $100 for members and non members to have a session with a nutrition consultant
False. It varies from Y to Y but most of them offer nutrition services that cost less than $100.
How much water should you drink a day?
Eight 8-ounce glasses which is equal to 2 liters or a half gallon
True or false: Globally, we produce enough food to feed everyone in the world over 2,000 kilocalories daily.
Food contamination contributed to the decline of West Africa's share of the groundnut market, from _% in the 1960s to _% in 2010.
77% and 4%
How many Americans struggle to put food on the table?
49 Million
How many summer food programs does The YMCA offer in the USA?
Over 1,000!
How many hours of sleep on average should a college student get a night?
Food stability is sometimes made difficult because of ________ in Third World countries
Export crops
Lack of access to clean water
Climate change
the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that about__million people in the world were suffering from chronic undernourishment in 2016
815 million or about 10.7%
More than 1 in what number of children are at risk of hunger? Among African-Americans and Latinos, it’s 1 in What?
1 in 5 and 1 in 3
In 2017, more than _ million meals were served at YMCA's in the U.S.
22 million
Name two of the five essential macronutrients
___% of organic fruit in the US is imported from other countries.
53% (take answers anywhere from 50%-60%)