Food Safety
Product Placement

What tools should be used to ensure proper portion control?

Color Coded Scoops


Name "the big 8" food allergens.

Milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts


Approximately how many 4-ounce portions of a food product are contained in a No. 10 can?

24 cups


Where should knives and other sharp tools be stored?

Inside a slotted Kinfe holding box or on a magnet wall strip for sharp objects. 


How often should temperature logs for refrigerators be filled out on a daily basis? 

Twice a day. once at opening, and once again before closing. 


T/F: leftovers that are not served within 4 hours of being in warmers can be refrigerated and reheated to 165 degrees for up to 3 days.

False. Foods being reheated and held in warmers must be discarded after each meal period and can only be held for up to 4 hours. 


How long should you keep monthly temperature logs after they are removed from the refrigeration units?

Stored in a file for 3 months.


T/F: If a recipe calls for 8 ounces of minced garlic, it is acceptable to use 8 ounces of powdered garlic.

False. Recipes should be followed as exact as possible. If the recipe calls for fresh garlic, planning and preparation should be done ahead of time so that fresh minced garlic is available during time of production.


What does FIFO stand for and how do we use it?

First In First Out.

It is the process of rotating inventory to make sure the items with the closest use by dates are used first rather then newer items. 


What is our policy for meal breaks?

You may eat the food provided but you may not take it home.  


T/F: If a food being served falls within the temperature danger zone you can reheat it in the microwave for 60 seconds or until the internal temperature reaches 165 degrees.

True. Foods can be reheated in small batches in order to quickly raise foods to outside the temperature zone. However, If the food in question was in the danger zone for more than 2 hours, It must be discarded. 


T/F Raw chicken can be cut on the same cutting board as salad ingredients. 

False!  Raw meats, fish and poultry are always prepared on red cutting boards.

Vegetables are prepared on green cutting boards.  We must wash and sanitize the equipment and area before switching tasks


When making salad plates of different diets, you can find pictures of how they should look here?

The cold prep binders


T/F: Paper-products such as plates, cups, and napkins should be stored on a dry storage rack above cleaning supplies. 

False. Cleaning supplies should always be kept separated form all food service contact areas including those used for serving. 


What two patient identifiers do we use to make sure we are serving the correct meal to the correct patient?

Patient's name and date of birth.


What is the temperature danger zone?

40 degrees to 140 degrees


What is the proper way to handle a large pot of hot soup that needs to be chilled?

A large pot of soup should be divided into small portions and put in shallow containers before being refrigerated. Food should not be at room temperature for more than two hours.


What should be included on food labels?

Product/item, Date prepared.


T/F  Eggs can be stored on top of yogurt.

False.  Raw and liquid eggs should never be stored above ready to eat foods.


What should you do before serving a gluten free entree on tray line?

Wash your hands and change your gloves