Meal Patterns & Menus
Safety & Sanitation
Policies & Procedures
Grab Bag

If you are serving peaches to preschool classroom with two teachers for breakfast, how many cups of peaches do you need to serve?

10 cups (1/2 cup per serving at breakfast)

20 Cups (2 each 1/2 cup serving per person)


When receiving frozen foods, what is a good indication that a product has been thawed and refrozen?

Freezer burn


What does it mean to "clean" a surface?

Remove debris


What is the correct process to call out sick?

Call or text Mike and your supervisor as soon as possible


What 3 locations do we get surplus food deliveries?

Nashua, Derry, Seabrook


How much protein is in 1 slice of Daiya dairy free cheese?

1 gram or .035 ounces

*You would need about 43 slices of dairy-free cheese to meet the protein requirement for 3-5 year olds at lunch


How much does one case of surplus canned corn cost?


*All of our surplus food costs $3.75 per case


How do we know if our sanitizing solution has the correct water to chemical ratio?

Use test strips every time you mix a new solution


True or false?

It's okay for a child with a food allergy to start at one of our centers if we don't have all of their special diet paperwork?



Which one of these items is Gluten-Free?

- Rye bread                  - Brown rice

- Cheerios                    - Pita bread

Brown rice


Why is it important for us to follow the daily menu as much as possible?

The daily menu allows families to prepare their children for what they will be eating at school. Families can also plan their meals around what their child is having at school. Teaching staff also talk to the kids about what is on the menu and the items they will be having. They us the menu as a way to talk to the kids about their favorite foods


Put these items in order of how they should be stored:

Salmon, raw ground beef, cooked ground beef, lettuce, raw chicken

lettuce, cooked ground beef, salmon, raw ground beef, raw chicken (based on cooking temperature)


True or false:

You can have a water bottle anywhere in the kitchen as long as it's covered


Personal beverages must be kept out of food production areas


What is the correct process for requesting vacation time?

Fill out a "vacation request form", submit it to your supervisor. Your supervisor will reach out to me to see if coverage is available.


Why is it important for us to follow the recipes provided?

We are required by CACFP, NH Childcare Licensing and Head Start to serve meals that are low-fat, low  sodium, and low sugar. Following the recipes ensures that we are meeting those requirements.


True or false:

When serving food to infant/toddler classrooms, EVERYTHING should be cut up really small


Not everything should be tiny. Some items create more of a choking hazard when they are diced very small


What do you do if an item is listed on your PFG invoice but it was not delivered?

Circle the item on the invoice, indicate it was not delivered, do this before submitting to Jess C


How often should food delivery carts be cleaned and sanitized?

After each use


True or false:

SNHS will reimburse any items I purchase for the kitchen, I don't need to check with anyone first


All items that you plan to be reimbursed for must be approved by your supervisor or Melissa ahead of time


Who should fill out production records?


If you are helping to prep food, you can fill out the production records


Name 3 differences between the EHS menu and HS menu

Creamed corn, Cheerios instead of granola, diced peaches & pears, no orange smiles, applesauce instead of apples, no salad, beans are mashed, no honey for under 12 months


True or false:

Since we use the same products all the time you don't need to check products for allergens each time they're ordered


Product ingredients change all the time and there is nothing that requires the manufacturer to let people know


What two items should not be stored together in dry storage areas?

Food and chemicals


Why do we check refrigerator and freezer temperatures twice everyday?

To track how well the equipment is working

To make sure food is being kept at a safe temperature


What ingredient can often be found in Worcestershire sauce and some Caesar dressings that is one of the 9 major food allergens?
