kitchen verbs
This fruit is red or green on the outside, white on the inside, has small seeds, crunchy and grows on trees.
What is an apple
This vegtable is round and red, it grows on a plant, it is juicy and used to make salsa.
What is a tomato
This is an animal that lives in fresh and sea water. It can be very small but also very large. This animal swims and eats fish. It comes in variety of colors. It is the most common animal in the ocean.
What is fish
meat from a cow
What is beef
A way that french fries are cooks with hot oil.
What is fry
This fruit is yellow and long, It grows on trees in the tropics and you have to peel this fruit.
What is a banna
This vegtable is round, grows in the ground, has a stong hot flavor and can make people cry. it is yellow, white or red.
What is onion.
meat from a pig
What is pork
This is a cooking technique wich water becomes very hot in a pot.
What is boil
This fruit is round, grows on trees, it has a thick skin, is acidic, and is the color orange.
What is an orange
This vegtable is long and yellow and used to make tortillas. It has a husk and also use to make pop corn.
What is corn.
This animal is small about this size of your finger. It is red, has a shell, a long antenas, has small black eyes, has a tail and 6 legs.
What is shrimp
This animal is a bird that lives on a farm, has eggs that you eat for breakfast.
What is chicken
cuttning verb to cut meat.
What is slice
This fruit is yellow on the inside, the outside is very rough, it grows on the ground, is very juicy and used to make piñacoladas.
What is Pineapple.
This vegtable is used to make a salad.
What is lettuce.
This animal has a thick red shell and has claws. It is very expencive. You can eat this animal with butter. It lives on the bottom of the ocean.
What is lobster
This animal has white wool, lives on a farm, another name for this animal is a oveja.
What is sheep
This very is used to make hot choclate. First you add milk then chocolate then mix the two. What is another word for mix?
What is mix
This fruit grows on palm trees, it is round, brown and hairy on the outside, white on the inside, has milk, and also used to make Piñacoladas.
What is coconut
This vegtable is long and orange. it grows in the ground, it is root and has a long green stem and is very crunchy. Mr. Pere's eats them all the time.
What is carrot
This is a shell fish with two very hard shells. It is the color black and grows on the bottom of the ocean. It never moves. It has no legs or tail. This meat inside is very small.
What are mussels or oysters.
What is another name for birds that you eat.
What is poultry
This verb is use to put milk in a glass.
What is pour