Bony Anatomy
Muscular Anatomy
Ligamentous Anatomy
The distal end of these bones make up the proximal end of the metatarsophalangeal joint. There are 5 of these.
What are the metatarsals
largest plantarflexor muscle that does both knee flexion and plantarflexion
What is the gastrocnemius
This supports the medial longitudinal arch
What is the plantar fascia
Injury that causes damage to the interosseous membrane
What is a high ankle sprain or syndesmosis sprain
This type of ankle sprain is more common- what is the reason
What is lateral ankle sprains- medial malleolus is not as inferior and lateral ankle ligaments are not as strong.
The 5 bones of the midfoot
What are 1st, 2nd and 3rd cuneiforms, cuboid and navicular
This muscle would be injured with an excessive plantarflexion and eversion motion
What is Tibialis Anterior
If the ankle is forced into dorsiflexion and eversion, these ligaments will most likely be damaged
What are interosseous membrane and deltoid ligament
This injury is chronic, characterized by pain with activity, swelling and point tenderness over the bone
What is stress fracture
A Chronic deterioration of the Achilles Tendon
What is Achilles tendonitis
The purpose of the sesamoid bones
What is to act as a lever for muscles
These two muscles are responsible for plantarflexion and eversion
What are peroneus longus and peroneus brevis
This ligament is stronger and therefore less likely to be damaged.
What is the deltoid ligament
Treatment for MTSS
What is heat, stretch, arch support, ice massage, rest
Signs and symptoms of this injury: a sudden, sharp pain that feels like they were kicked, inability to plantarflex while weight bearing, swelling over posterior ankle
What is Achilles Tendon Rupture
The name of the joint that allows for plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. What three bones are involved?
What is ankle mortise or ankle joint. Tibia, Fibula and talus
The chronic inflammation of this muscle is known as Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome
What is tibialis posterior
if the ankle was forced into excessive inversion, what ligaments could be damaged?
What are calcaneofibular, anterior talofibular and posterior talofibular
Location and type of fracture that a Jones Fracture is.
What is an avulsion fracture at the 5th metatarsal base
Two names for an injury which is caused by forced extension of the first metatarsalphalangeal joint. Signs and symptoms include pain when walking, swelling and discoloration at metatarsophalangeal joint
What is great toe sprain or turf toe
The name of the joint that articulates the talus and calcaneus and the motions that occur there.
What is subtalar- inversion and eversion
This is the common tendon for the two main plantar flexors of the ankle
What is the Achilles Tendon
The ankle is forced into excessive plantarflexion, this ligament could be damaged
What is the anterior talofibular ligament
Crepitus and deformity after an ankle sprain should be treated like this
What is a fracture- splint and refer to physician
Signs and symptoms of this injury (Grade 1-2-3): stepped off a curb and inverted ankle. Has pain anterior to lateral malleolus on inferior side, swelling, ecchymosis, limited range of motion, significant swelling, mild instability
What is Grade 2 lateral ankle sprain