What two bones make up the lower leg?
Tibia & Fibula
What is the name given to the medial ankle ligaments?
Deltoid ligament
What movement is pointing the foot up towards the ceiling?
What test measures the Anterior Talofibular ligament?
Talar tilt or anterior drawer
The mechanism of injury is forced inversion of the ankle. What is the injury?
Lateral ankle sprain/Inversion ankle sprain
What four bones make up the TRUE knee joint?
Femur, fibula, tibia,patlla
Which ligament provides stability to the medial side of the knee?
Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL)
What muscle group is responsible for knee flexion?
What test measures for a possibility of a stress fracture?
Compression test or pecussion test
The mechanism of injury when the tibia is forced anterior and you hear a pop?
ACL tear
What are the name of tarsal bones of the foot? you need at least three
calcaneus,talus,cuneiforms, navicular, cuboid
Which ligament prevents anterior displacement/translation of the knee?
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)
What motion is curling the toes?
Toe flexion
What test measures for a possible Anterior Cruciate Ligament?
What ligament is torn when someone got into a car accident?
PCL tear
What is the part of the knee that acts like cushions or shock absorbtions?
Which ligament provides stability to the lateral side of the knee?
Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)
What muscle group is responsible for knee extension?
What test measures for a possible MCL sprain?
Valgus test
What tendon has torn when have a positive Thompson test?
Achilles tendon rupture
What bone is the strongest bone in the body?
Name the 3 ligaments of the lateral ankle.
Anterior Talofibular Ligament (ATF), Calcaneofibular Ligament (CF) & Posterior Talofibular Ligament (PTF)
Name the muscles that you work when you do calf raises?
What test measures for a possible meniscus tear?
McMurray Test
What happens when you see the knee full of fluid?
Bursa burst