What bone is on top of the calcaneus?
Which exercise will help strengthen my flexor digitorum?
marble pick up or towel curls
What is the more common term for hallux valgus?
What condition is known as "flat feet"
Pes planus
Which muscle does dorsiflexion and inversion?
anterior tibialis
What 3 tarsal bones are in alignment with the 1st, 2nd, & 3rd metatarsals?
the cuneiforms
Which stretch only stretches my soleus?
heel cord stretch bent knee
Which injury is caused by hyperextension of the 1st MTP joint?
turf toe
Which foot / ankle injury has an obvious deformity?
Hallux valgus or ankle dislocation
Which 2 muscles do eversion?
fibularis longus & brevis
Which part of the metatarsal is closest to the tarsals?
the base
What is the exercise called when I move my ankle around pretending to write the letters of the alphabet?
Active Range of Motion
Is a stress fx of the metatarsal a chronic or acute injury?
Which ligament is involved with a medial ankle sprain?
deltoid ligament
What muscle does flexion of the toes 2-5?
Flexor digitorum longus
Which toe only has 2 phalanges?
the big toe
Which exercise is used to help with plantar fasciitis?
golf ball roll
What is proper treatment for athlete's foot?
antifungal ointment
Turf toe is a strain of what muscle?
Flexor hallucis
What muscle does extension of the big toe?
Extensor hallucis longus
Which tarsal bone is at the base of the 4th & 5th metatarsals?
the cuboid
gastrocnemius and soleus
Where is the plantar fascia?
What movement do the gastrocnemius and soleus do?
Plantar flexion