what part of the the body are cuneiforms located
what is the foot
How many types of ankle sprains are there?
What do the arches of the foot do?
Increases the flexibility of the foot and serves as a shock absorber ✌
What is the treatment for a great toe fracture
how long will you be out from a lateral ankle sprain?
6-8 weeks (usually requires surgery)
what are the two largest bones in the leg
What does HOPS stand for
H- History
S-Special Tests
How many joints are in a foot
How can a ingrown toe nail occur
What does a Potts fracture damage?
Fracture of the Fibula
What is the Calcaneal Tubercle size used for and why is it important
It is used for muscular force and strength increase
What is a palpation
When you make contact with the injury for the first time (start above the injurred spot)
What is the biggest bone in the foot
The Calcaneus
What is Subugual Hematomas
Repeated blows to the end of the nail
What are the muscles of the ankle? (lateral leg)
Peroneus Longus and Peroneus Brevis
Tibia Medial Maleolus lateral Maleolus Calcaneus and the Navicular
How many times your body weight can your foot support
7 times
How can you get Subugual Hematomas
What bone allows majority of movement in the leg
The fibula
What are the 3 bones that make up the ankle mortis
When you are using the HOPS method on the ankle name 3 things you look for
Swelling Discoloration Scars Deformity and Gait
How many bones are there in a foot?
What is Turf toe?
Turf toe is a sprain of the main joint of the big toe.
How many bones are in an ankle ?
The Tibia Fibula and Talus