Nurses/Mental Health
Behavior Management
Daily Living
Footprint Culture

In the cases of intense bleeding, what do you need to apply?

Pressure! And then call for help.


Where can you find the schedule posted?

In each cabin!


Your camper won't get off their phone... what do you do?

- Ask them first several times if needed

- Tell your cabin captains if it continues

- Ask them if they can keep it with you prior to breakfast.


When a camper complains of a headache, what is the first question you ask?

"Did you drink any water today?"


What is Jonah's favorite fancy word that means being ridiculous for the mirth of others? 



How are night time meds distributed?

Nurses will come to you if it isn't during day/meal times


What is your cabin doing Tuesday Activity 2?


You notice a camper constantly sitting by themselves, how do you handle it?

- Go sit with them yourselves

- Bring other camper's into the conversation 

- Gather other counselors for support

- Keep them busy... crafts, balls, friendship bracelets, etc


A camper says "my stomach is hurting", what is likely the problem? How would you handle this?

Did they use the bathroom recently?

What is something YOU can do as a counselor to ensure everyone is included?

- Go out of your comfort zone

- Sit with new people every meal

- Introduce campers to new campers, don't leave them hanging!!


Where are the AEDs located?

Nurses Station, Red Barn, and Dining Hall!


What do you do if your camper says "I HATE ____ activity, can I do something else?"

No. Encourage them to try, bring some arts/carts supplies or games/footballs/etc to keep them occupied.


You see two camper's in an argument... how do you handle it?

- Split them up

- Assess the situation - can you handle it with a conversation? Do you need further support?

- Alert your Cabin Captains and find multiple counselors to help ...


Your camper isn't showering... what do you say to them to get them to shower? If that doesn't work, who do you call in for help?

"Hey we all need to be showering every day... do you need some supplies from the nurses to make sure it's happening?"


Who is the true ruler of camp footprint?

Queen Jeana


What and where is the safe place for a camper to go that will allow them to decompress and see the healthy mentals?

The peace palace! By the red barn.


What day do you wear your camp shirt?

Wednesday... lake day!!!


You catch a camper/fellow counselor vaping or hitting a pen... how do you go about that?

- Let them know first that they shouldn't be doing that at camp, tell them to stop. 

- If it continues, tell a cabin captain who will take it from there.


List 3 things your campers should be doing every day:

- Eating every day

- Washing hands

- Using sunscreen

- Drinking water

- Showering daily

- Changing clothes

- Brush your teeth


What are all the names/color of each cabin?

Jungalow - Green

Shark-O-Shack - Blue

Funky Fortress - Red

Dig It Den - Yellow

Program Staff - Orange

Health - Purple


Your camper comes to you feeling homesick and wants to go home... what do you do?

- Don't shut them down, embrace the way they are feeling

- Find a way to relate... a lot of "I feel" statements

- Find distractions.

- GRAB THE MENTAL HEALTH TEAM!! Code yellow if needed...


What is the open activity period?

Your campers can decide which extra activity they want to enjoy... you will send your counselors accordingly.


A camper makes a questionable comment (Ex: "my dad puts his hands on me") about their safety... what do you do?

Always play it safe even if you are unsure and REPORT IT to Jonah or Jeana!!


What is the allergen we must avoid at ALL costs? And if you notice your camper has this in the snacks they brought, what do you do?

All nuts... including cross-contamination.

- Take their snacks and let them know they will get them back at the end of the week, we have plenty of snacks for them that are safe.


Do your cabin song/chant...
