FOR- Motor
FOR- Neuro
FOR- Person
Intervention- what FOR

Identify where a child is at skill level- fine motor, cognition, gross motor, etc. 

What is Developmental Frame of Reference?


Typically with a Neuro onset- involves relearning motor performance with pairing of sensory and motor techniques

What is Sensorimotor FOR?


What FOR is common in TBI, in which investigate underlying conditions and processing strategies that influence occupational performance?  Ties in self- awareness of the individual

What is the Dynamic Interactional FOR?


Use of energy conservation, work simplification, and home modification falls under what FOR?



Utilizes edema management and ROM to prevent contractures

What is Biomechanical FOR?


Person has maladaptive responses to sensory stimuli whether it is under or over arousal in which FOR is utilized in intervention?

What is Sensory Integration FOR?


What FOR is working to change patterns of behavior usually in individual with developmental disabilities and TBI's?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Approach?


Use of planners to fill in appointments and daily activity when one has memory gaps

What is MultiContext FOR?


Utilizes strength and endurance as a means of intervention

What is Biomechanical FOR?


Preserving the function of an individual and facilitate function in their daily lives

What is Rehabilitative FOR?


FOR that works on developing awareness to actions and behaviors through progression of skills and then increases challenges

What is Role Acquisition FOR?


Learning how to play basketball with learning how to participate and the skills required with reinforcement of component skills and the shaping of skills/ process

What is Role Acquisition FOR?


Which FOR works with muscle tone to inhibit abnormal muscle tone/ patterns to facilitate normal movement patterns?

What is Neurodevelopmental FOR?


What FOR promotes self-monitoring across their daily activities?  These strategies assist in cognitive lapses or symptoms that interfere with daily life; deficits can be memory, visual, problem solving related

What is the MultiContext FOR?


Which FOR meets the person where they are at cognitively with activities chosen with the goal being participation>

What is Cognitive Disability FOR?


Working to reframe thoughts or stress management techniques for calming is an example of which FOR?

What is Cognitive Behavioral FOR?


FOR that retrains the brain after an neuro onset to improve movement

What is Motor Learning Approach?


Which FOR helps an individual return to highest level of function due to neuro injury like brain injury?

Involves repetition and task specific training

What is Neurofunctional FOR?


Takes into account:  Volition, habituation, and performance

What is MOHO?


Mirror therapy while someone is brushing their hair who has left neglect post stroke

What is Sensorimotor FOR?