After her career as a nurse, this is what Chick's mom did as her main means of income.
What is hairdresser?
The meal that Dad was critical of and Chick agreed with his father.
What is ziti?
This person told Chick, "Remember sometimes kids want you to hurt the way they hurt."
Who is his mom?
The book a librarian felt was "too hard" for Chick.
What is "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea"?
What is Pepperville Beach?
This is the name of Chick's sister.
Who is Roberta?
Chick had a struggling relationship with his daughter which was evident based on this way in which she informed him of her marriage.
What is "she mailed him a letter/note"?
This person once told Chick, "You can be a mommy's boy or a daddy's boy. But you can't be both."
Who is Chick's father?
For homework, Chick once had to learn to recite "What is an ____________."
What is echo?
The way in which Chick attempted to kill himself after the car crash was a failure.
What is "jump from the water tower"?
These are the two women whom Chick's mother helps prepare for death.
Who are Rose and Thelma?
Chick is ashamed to learn that his mom took on this job to help him get through college.
What is housecleaner?
This person tells Chick that "a child should never have to choose."
Who is his mother?
This was Chick's one claim to fame.
What is "playing in the World Series"?
The grade that Chick was in when his father left the family.
What is 5th grade?
This is where Chick met his future wife, Catherine.
What is a frat party?
This caused the end of Chick's baseball career.
What is "he blew out his knee"?
At the end of the story, this is the person that Chick's mom tells him to forgive.
Who is himself?
The meal that Chick's mom received from nuns but threw away out of shame.
What is meatloaf?
The words Chick's father used when proposing to Chick's mom.
What is "be my wife"?
This is the name of Chick's father.
Who is Leonard/Len?
Chick learns that his father had a second family with a wife from what country?
What is Italy?
The name of the person who wrote in a guestbook, "Once heaven is done with grandma, we'd like her back. Thanks."
Who is Maria?
The word that Chick's mom carved into a tree.
What is PLEASE?
The Halloween costume that Chick's mom made but it disintegrated in the rain.
What is mummy?
This is the narrator of the novel's epilogue.
Who is Chick's daughter, Maria?
A picture of this person hung outside of the bathroom of Chick's child home and caused a constant fight between his mom and dad.
Who is Jesus?
This is the phrase for a short stay in baseball.
What is "a cup of coffee"?
The number of years that passed before Chick saw his father again after he had walked out of his life.
What is 8?
This was Chick's mom's favorite song.
What is "This could be the start of something big"?