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If only, if only
Was this a row or a ROW?
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how good are you at this? Answer with "what is..."

Kit-chai is just a nom de guerre or pseudonym (or a fake name, if you like) for this unfortunate teenage (1). He was a hooligan working for the triad until he got arrested and jailed for his wrongdoing – criminal (2). He was sentenced and ordered by the court to stay at the correctional services.

(1) tearaway

(2) intimidation


The property prices are too high. Jackie and Jack cannot afford it.

If the property prices (a) ________ cheaper, they (b) _________ (afford) it.

1 (a) were 1 (b) could afford


Debra Veal has a wish after this competition. She does not want to be described as the woman whose husband (1) ____________ her. What happened was fourteen days into the competition, her husband quit which meant that Debra would have to (2) ___________ the waves, storms and sun by herself.

1.deserted/ abandoned

2. confront


I disagree that despite of ranking among the last in many surveys measuring affordability, Hong Kong is costly. Not everything is expensive here. It is silly for you to complain about price when you are leading a luxurious lifestyle.

1. X of

2. doe -> of


The Renaissance (Disney Edition):

This blockbuster kicked off Disney's Renaissance in 1989, and that's a hard thing to do when you don't have feet

What is The Little Mermaid?


Kit-Chai was given a (3) opportunity to learn how to become a professional hairdresser. He was chosen to take part in a volunteering programme where he would be taught by the famous hairdresser Kim Robinson. Claiming to be a hair (4) himself, Robinson could charge up to a whopping seven grand just for a haircut.

(3) valuable

(4) maestro


Jackie and Jack are poor. They need to save for a long time to buy a house.

If they (a) __________ (be) rich, they (b) ________ (need) to save for a long time to buy a house.

2 (a) were 2 (b) would not need


In the journey, she had to (3) ___________ sleep deprivation, exhaustion and anxiety. She was so lonely that even an (4) ______________ 10 minute chat, which happened only at times, was something special to her.

3. bear/confront 

4. occasional


Once my mum asked me if had spent money on the right places. I think she’s right. If you went to fancy restaurants and buy brand-name clothes, of course you will have to spend a lot.

3. ^ I

4. went -> go


Marvel Actors in Other Roles

Jeremy Renner stars alongside Tom Cruise in the fourth installment, subtitled Ghost Protocol, of this movie franchise.

What is Mission Impossible ?


He is deeply committed to (5) work. In doing so, he frequently gives haircuts to the old and the poor for free. Besides, Robinson is a strict teacher. He thinks there should be a proper system for teaching haircutting skills to young people in custody – based on the old (6) and structures.

(5) charitable / charity

(6) disciplines


They bought a house with the help of their parents.

If their parents (a) ________ (help) them, they (b) _________ (be) able to buy a house.

3 (a) had not helped 3 (b) would not have been


Hearing no news, she was protected from the (5) ______________ in the world. She didn’t hear about wars, diseases or famine whatsoever. She was in (6) ___________ peace.

5. misery

6. utter


Picked up food at wet markets, you can save a lot. Cooking meals at home is way cheaper then eating out.

5. Picked -> Picking

6. then -> than


Words beginning with "TS":

To express disapproval of, usually through a nonverbal sound

What is 'tsk-tsk'


 For those youngsters like Kit-Chai who has gone off the (7) a bit, being coached by Robinson proved to be a (8).

(7) gone off the rails

(8) once-in-a-life occurrence


After buying the house, they spent half of their salary on mortgage.

If they (a) _________ (buy) the house, they (b)



4 (a) had not bought

4 (b) would not have spent half of their salary on mortgage.


A lot of people were amazed. When she finally arrived, those who were (7) _____________ by her bravery were waiting for her. Her story and her (8) ____________ got the attention of the media.

7. captivated

8. endeavor / bravery


Even if you decide to eat out once in a while, you can always go to small restaurants of which food cost you less than HK $50. Then there’s street food, which is even more expensive.

7. of -> in

8. more ->less


Iconic Movie Quotes:

"You wanna know how I got these scars?”

 What is “The Dark Knight”?


14 months ago, Kit-chai’s world came (9). Now, he is confidently and merrily (10) the locks of senior citizens and giving back to his community.

(9) came crashing down

(10) trimming


They used to eat out every week. Last month they only ate out once because they didn’t have money left.

5. If they had had money left, they would have eaten out more often.


Although she was abandoned by her husband, she still continued the race. 

Despite being abandoned by her husband, she continued the race. // Despite the abandonement by her husband, she still continued the race. 


Although food from restaurants are delicious, it is very unhealthy.

Despite the delicious food from restaurants / Despite the food from restaurants being delicious, it is very unhealthy.


If They Were Musicals:

The musical based on this E.B. White novel features a spider belting out “Some Pig.”

 What is “Charlotte’s Web”?