2024 Terms for Red Flags
Toxic Love in Black Media
2024 Terms for Red Flags
Terms for Dating Green Flags
2024 Dating Terms

When someone you communicate with often suddenly stops speaking to you and ignores all of your communication

What is Ghosting?


"I'm going up this mountain to save my marriage."

Hint: A woman in a rocky marriage, decided to drive up a mountain for a couples retreat in the snow. Her husband took a plane with her best friend and left her to drive alone.

What is Why Did I Get Married?


A romantic relationship that isn't formal or officially established. The other person is often avoidant of becoming "official"

What is a Situationship?

Relying on your signifcant other because you feel safe with them, and feel secure in the fact that they won't violate or hurt you. 

What is Trust?


Sharing a photo on social media that doesn't reveal the identity of the person you are dating.

What is a Soft-launch?


Manipulating someone into questioning their own sanity and the reality of a situation

What is Gaslighting?


A couple who met on a reality show. Includes a lot of violence, breaking up, and recent child together. The woman has several tattoos of the man.

What is Chrisean Rock and Blueface?


Being kept on the sidelines as an option because someone isn't ready to commit or doesn't have strong enough feelings to make it official

What is Benching?


Having the space to explain your needs, experiences, and feelings within the relationship.

What is Open Communication?

A quality or trait about another person that you don't like. It can include small things but adds up and can make the person undesirable.

What is an Ick?


Leading someone on by giving out just enough information to keep the other person interested even if the person has no interest

What is Breadcrumbing?


Woman: I can't even believe I'm telling you this right now. You're different. You're special.

Man: Special huh? I don't know about that.

Woman: I wish you could see what I see

Hint: Woman lied about her financial status, upbringing, and where she was from to her boyfriend

What is ATL?


Someone desperate or yearning for a serious relationship because of the time of year.

Hint: when it is colder outside

What is Cuffing Season?


Expressing emotions in a judgement-free space. Feeling heard, understood, and respected.

What is Validation?


An indicator that someone is boring, basic, or bland.

What is a Beige Flag?


Misrepresenting yourself on social media in an effort to appear more attractive or desirable

What is Catfishing/Kittenfishing?


“I lie because I do love you. Being honest would mean I don't care. Out on the street, I tell the girls the truth. I lie to you because I care about your feelings.”

Hint: Man with 2 children, cheats on his girlfriend, and lives with his mom

What is Baby Boy?


When a person consistently dates similar "wrong" people and continues to expect different outcomes.

What is Ground-hogging?


The practice of claiming responsibilty for your actions and how they affect your significant other.

What is Accountability?


Having charisma/game when pursuing a romantic interest

What is Rizz?


A manipulation technique that involves over-the-top displays of attention and affection in an effort to later manipulate the person receiving the admiration

What is Love Bombing?


A harsh version of manipulation that partners use to insert demands and threats to get what they want.

What is Emotional Blackmail?


The limits and rules we set for ouselves within relationships

What is Boundaries?


Good chemistry over social media and text messaging. The person is located relatively close, but avoidant of hanging out.
