black hickory
what does the bark look like on a shagbark hickory
what kind of tree has leaves that look like a ducks foot
is the chicken of the woods edible
what surface do oysters most commonly grow on
large ovel shaped leaves
fruit is green and banana shaped
paw paw
the edges of the
leaves are more pointed
scarlet oak
leaves are oblong and saw tooth like
Chinquapin Oak
how large can hen of the woods grow to
single clusters can weigh up to 30 lbs or more
what kind of edible mushroom is shaped like an instrument
what tree produces a nut with a spicy odor
black walnut
trick question
orange mushroom that occasionally grows a faint green
what tree do people believe tells the weather
what is a common name for the amanitas
destroying angel, death cap
good job
football shaped nut
Leaves are have
very round edges.
white oak
how tall can cedar trees grow
60 - 120 ft
what color should the inside of a puffball be in order to be consumed
completely white without black or brown spores
this mushroom looks like another one but has a bunch of differences
has lobes, folds, flats but not pits like the edible version
False Morel
This is more of a bush or shrub
+ 1 shield
good job
large round oak tree
post oak
what does LBMs stand for
little brown mushrooms
parasol-shaped with a cream or
tan scaly cap, and a large ring on the stalk.
green-spored lepiota