Types of Forces
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces
Newton's Laws of Motion
Define Energy
The ability to do work or cause change
What are the 2 main categories for types of forces?
Contact Forces and Forces that act from a distance
Define Net Force
The combined amount of forces acting on an object.
Define Inertia
An object's resistance to change in motion.
If an object has a net force of 0 Newtons acting on it, than the object's motion is ________________.
still (not moving)
What is the difference between potential and stored energy?
PE is stored energy (waiting to be used) KE is energy that an object has due to its motion
Name 6 types of forces and separate them into contact forces and forces that act from a distance.
Contact: friction, applied, and normal force From a Distance: gravitational, magnetic, and electric force
An object's motion will not change if the forces acting on the object are __________________.
balanced or equal
State Newton's 1st Law of Motion and give an example. (You may draw and label the example)
An object at rest will remain at rest An object in motion will remain in motion Unless acted upon by an outside force
What causes all the motion in the Universe?
Force which is a push or pull.
What is the law of Conservation of Energy
Energy can not be created or destroyed
Draw and label a picture that represents normal and gravitational force on an object.
answers will vary
A(n) ________________ can be used to represent the direction and strength of a force
Name the 3 major variables that Newton's 2nd Law deals with.
Force = mass times acceleration
What are the 2 factors that determine the amount of frictional force between 2 objects in contact?
Surface texture and how hard the surfaces are pushed together
Draw and label a diagram that shows how potential and kinetic energy increase and decrease with a swinging pendulum.
drawings will differ
What is the difference between mass and weight?
Mass of an object does not change anywhere in the universe because mass is how much matter is an object. Weight is a measurement of gravity and it changes everywhere in the universe that an object travels.
True or False (If false you must explain why) If an object is not moving than there are no forces acting on the object.
false, the forces may be balanced on the object causing it to not move.
State Newton's 3rd Law of Motion and give an example. (You may draw and label the example)
For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction
What are the factors that determine the amount of gravity between any 2 objects in the universe?
Mass and distance
What is thermal energy and which direction does it always flow?
Thermal energy is heat and it always flows from hot to cold!
State the Universal Law of Gravitation.
All objects in the universe that have mass are attracted to each other because they all have their own gravity.
Browny and Jack are both riding scooter and crash directly into each other. If Jack had 200 Newtons of force while Browny only had 173 Newtons of force, what was their net force? What was their direction?
27 Newton's from Jack's direction.
Calculate the force acting on a rolling bowling ball that has a mass of 25 kg and an acceleration of 3 m/s/s.
75 N
How could you increase the gravity between balls of clay that have the same mass?
decrease the distance between them or increase their masses with more clay.