Newton's Laws of Motion
Net Force
A push or a pull

What is a force?


The unit we measure forces in.

What is newtons?


The energy of position.

What is potential energy?

State Newton's First Law of Motion

What is: An object in motion remains in motion, and an object at rest remains at rest, unless acted on by an external force.


If you push on a box to the right with 4 N of force, and your friend pushes on the box to the left with 5 N of force, which direction will the box go?

What is left

An object's change in position relative to a reference point.

What is motion?


Forces acting on an object are NOT equal; object moves.

What is unbalanced forces?


The energy of motion.

What is kinetic energy?


State Newton's Second Law of Motion

What is: Force = mass x acceleration


You and your mom are moving a couch. She moves the couch 10 N to the right. You move the couch 7 N to the right. Direction and amount of net force.

What is 17 N to the right?

Speed in a specific direction. (It is the rate of change of displacement).

What is velocity?


All forces acting on an object equal out so that object doesn't move.

What is balanced forces?


A roller coaster is at the top of a hill. This is an example of what kind of energy?

What is potential energy? (Gravitational potential energy).


State Newton's Third Law of Motion

What is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction


In a tug of war game, a large man pulls with a force of 100 N to the right. A smaller man pulls with a force of 90 N to the left. What is the direction and amount of net force?

What is 10 N to the right?


The rate of change of velocity which includes speeding up, slowing down, or changing direction.

What is acceleration?


A force between an object and the surface it is moving over.

What is friction?


The two most important variables of kinetic energy.

What is mass and speed? (velocity is acceptable too.)


Based on Newton's third law, the force pairs always act on _________.

What is different objects


A toy car is at rest, and a force of 70 N is applied to it. If the frictional force is 20 N, determine the net force.

What is 50 N?


A measurement of the force of gravity acting on an object. More mass=more gravity. Closer distance=more gravity.

What is weight?


The action force of a baseball player hitting a ball with a bat. The reaction force of this.

What is the bat hitting the ball? What is the ball hitting the bat?


The formula for calculating the kinetic energy of an object.

What is KE=1/2mv2?


A firefighter is is holding a hose. As the water turns on and starts spraying forward, the firefighter gets pushed backwards and falls to the ground. What law of motion causes this?

What is Newton's Third Law of Motion


You and your friend are attempting to move a refrigerator for your poopaw. You move the refrigerator 120 N to the left. Your friend moves the refrigerator 111 N to the left. Determine the net force and direction.

What is 231 N to the left?