Balanced and Unbalanced forces
Calculating net force
Predicting future motion & types of motion
Mass and distance
Gravitational Pull
  1. The picture below is an example of:


The downward force.

Unbalanced forces.

Balanced forces.
The upward force.        

balanced force


In science class, the teacher pushes a Blue 10 pound bowling ball with 25 newton’s of force and then pushes a Green 10 pound bowling ball with 20 newton’s of force. Which bowling ball will go farther? 

a. The Blue 10 pound bowling ball 

b. The Green 10 pound bowling ball

A- blue


Maria pushes Carlie on the swing. The back and forth motion of the swing is another way to describe

A. A vibration

B. A projectile

C. Curved motion

D. Moving in a straight line

Curved motion


Which is needed to determine the amount of gravitational force between two objects? 

A. weight and time 

B. distance and mass 

C. volume and mass 

D. area and weight

B- distance and mass

Gravity pulls you 

Towards the center of the Earth


What is a force?

A push or a pull on an object.
A measure of the strength of an object.

It is used to make work easier on an object.

The attraction between two massive objects.

A push or a pull


While studying balanced and unbalanced forces, Jose and Gina test what they have learned by Jose applying 10 Newtons of forces to one side of a box and Gina applying 8 Newtons of force to the other side of the box.

Which direction will the box move?

Towards Gina


A carousel spins while the horses move up and down. A student determines that each horse completes one up-down cycle in 30 seconds. The student rides a horse on the carousel for 2 minutes, which equals 120 seconds. How many times did the student complete an up and down cycle?



Two objects are at rest and are 1.0 meter apart. To reduce the gravitational pull between the objects, they should be 

A. stacked vertically. 

B. placed side by side. 

C. moved 0.5 meter apart. 

D. moved 1.5 meters apart.



What force pulls a roller coaster back down towards the ground?

A. Gravity

B. Water power

C. Electricity

D. Push and pull force



The force that works against motion and tries to slow objects down is called: 

a. a push or pull 

b. friction 

c. mass 

d. gravity

B- friction



30 N down, 70 N right


Liza tied a ball to a long string and then tied the string to a hook on the ceiling. 

Then Liza pulled the ball to Place A and let it go. The ball began to swing. Liza made a chart to show where the ball was each second after she let the ball go.


Predict where the ball will be when the time is 5 seconds.

A. Between place A and B

B. Place B

C. Between place B and C

D. Place C

Place B


Consider the gravity of the four spheres. If we wanted sphere C to attract the other three spheres seen here, what is one feature of sphere C we must change?

    A. increase its mass

    B. make it less dense

    C. increase its diameter

    D. change its composition

A- increase mass


Gravity on Earth is caused by 

A. the mass of Earth. 

B. the rotation of Earth. 

C. the revolution of Earth. 

D. weather patterns on Earth.



Which of the following surfaces has the least amount of friction? 

a. a gravel driveway 

b. a dirt road 

c. a road covered with ice 

d. a road covered with spilled sand



 According to the diagram, the block should be moving in which direction, with how much force?

    A. Right, 10N

    B. Left, 20N

    C. Left, 10N

    D. Right 20N

C- left, 10N


A bus goes between two cities in 3 hours. If a car goes between the two cities at a faster speed than the bus, how long will it take the car to get to the second city? 

A. less than 3 hours

B. more than 3 hours

C. exactly 6 hours

D. exactly 3 hours

A- less


 Consider the law of gravitational attraction. Two spheres with a mass, M, are attracted to each other by a force, F. If the distance between the two spheres doubles while the masses remain constant, will the force between the two spheres change? If yes, how?


    A. yes, the force decreases when the distance increases.

    B. yes, the force increased when the distance increases

    C. no, the force increased when the distance decreased

    D. No, the force decreased when the distance decreased



Gravity is a measurable force of attraction which acts upon objects. 

Which characteristic determines the gravity of an object? 

A. friction 

B. mass 

C. tension 

D. weight



Stephanie and her family went to the pumpkin patch to pick out the perfect pumpkin to carve for 

    Halloween.  Stephanie picked out her favorite pumpkin, put it in a wagon, and started pulling her pumpkin

    and wagon out of the field. All of a sudden, the wagon stopped rolling and Stephanie could not move her 

    pumpkin any further. She knew there was an opposing force holding it in place.


    All of the following could be the opposing force except for which one?

A. An upwards hill

B. A small breeze blew

C. A stick lodged in the axel

D. A rock getting stuck under the tire



90 N right, 0 N


Gravity is pulling the pendulum down.

The forces acting on the pendulum are balanced.

Tension on the string is keeping the pendulum up.


Between which two metal spheres is the gravitational force the greatest?



Why is the sun the center of the solar system instead of Earth?

Because the sun is more massive