Introduction to Forces
Types of Forces
Types of Motion
Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

What is force?

Force is a push or a pull


What are contact and noncontact forces?

Contact forces are forces that act between two objects that are physically touching each other.

A non-contact force is a force applied to an object by another body that is not in direct contact with it.


What are the three different types of motion?

Rectilinear, Circular, Oscillatory


What are balanced forces?

When two forces are the same strength but act in opposite direction, they are called balanced forces


Define push and pull forces

A pull is when you use force to move a thing (object) closer to you. Push. A push is when you use force to move a thing (object) away from you.


What are external and internal forces?

External forces are forces that act on an object from the outside of the system. Internal forces are forces that act on an object from the inside of the system


Give two examples of rectilinear motion.

An athelete running in a marathon, driving on a highway


What are unbalanced forces?

Forces applied to an object in opposite directions that are not equal in size


Give examples from daily life where you use force

Running, cycling, jumping, walking


Give two examples of internal forces

Tension, Bending


Give two examples of Oscillatory Motion

A pendulum, guitar strings


Give an example of a balanced force

An object resting on the table. It exerts force on the table and the table exerts an equal force on the object


What are some of the effects of applying force?

It can stop a moving body or slow it down.

It can accelerate the speed of a moving body.

It can also change the direction of a moving body along with its shape and size.


Compression is an example of ________

An internal force

A boat tossing up and down a river is an example of ________________

Oscillatory Motion


An object sinking in water is an example of a balanced/unbalanced force

Unbalanced Forces


What is our central idea? Justify

The shape and position of an object can be affected by internal and external factors


List down all the forces that are applicable when a person is running a marathon. Categorize these forces into contact/ noncontact, external/ internal forces.

Friction - Contact, external

Air resistance - Contact, External

Muscular Force- Contact, External


Explain the three types of motion with examples that have not been discussed in class

Rectilinear Motion- Motion in a straight line

Circular Motion - Motion of an object along a circular path

Oscillatory Motion- The to and fro motion of an object


What are the effects of unbalanced forces?

  • When unbalanced forces are applied to an object that is sitting still, the object will move in the direction pushed or pulled by the stronger force.
  • When unbalanced forces are applied to an object that is moving, the direction and/or speed with which the object is moving will change.