Feel The Heat
What Goes Up
Coming or Going
Rollin on the Highway
Random Motion
The actions that describe a force
What is push and pull?
The force that pulls everything toward the center of the Earth
What is gravity?
Forces affect change in an object in this way.
What is cause change in motion, change in speed, change in direction?
Trevor rolled the ball across the floor to Austin. This is the force that started the ball rolling.
What is unbalanced force?
Mckenzie and Sydney were observing and measuring the motion of a toy jumping frog. They knew the frog was moving because the frog did this.
What is changed position?
To change the motion of a moving object, you do this.
What is apply an unbalanced force?
Inertia is the tendency to stay in motion. This has the most inertia.
What is a loaded cement truck?
Friction is a force caused by this.
What is rubbing surfaces together?
Where there is friction, there will be this.
What is heat?
This will have the least amount of friction.
What is a toy car with wheels rolling across the floor?
You should perform this amount of trials when doing an investigation.
What is 3?
Gravity is a constant force on all objects. Objects like an apple and bowling ball when falling from the same height and time hit the ground like this.
What is at the same time?
This is the formula for calculating speed.
What is distance divided by time?
Removing a tablecloth from under dishes without moving the dishes is an example of this law.
What is Newton's first law of motion
This is the measure of gravitational pull on an object.
What is weight?
This is the speed for walking 10 meters in 5 seconds
What is 2 meters/second?
This is the measurement of the final newtons it takes to move an object when being pushed and pulled.
What is net force?
The harder you throw a ball against the wall, the further it will rebound because the ball doe this.
What is push back with an equal and opposite force?
Of a 20gram and 67 gram marble, the one that will have greater speed if hit with identical force.
What is the 67 gram marble?
Acceleration can be speeding up or this.
What is slowing down?
Friction causes a slowing down of objects. An object on a carpet will slow down and stop faster than the same object on a tabletop because of this.
What is greater rubbing together of surfaces creating greater friction?
Two friends are trying to move a box. One friend pushes with 12 newtons and the other pulls with 38 newtons of force in the same direction. This is the amount of force the box moved with.
What is 50 newtons?
The reason you would weigh lighter on the moon than on Earth.
What is the pull of gravity is less on the moon because it has less mass than the Earth?
You need to do this to take the science test.
What is STUDY your study guide, have someone ask you the questions, cover the answers and ask yourself. Go over it more than once, don't just read it, study it, quiz yourself.
From the following question, how the answer will begin: Does the mass of an object affect the amount of force needed to move an object?
What is yes, the mass of an object does affect the amount of force needed to move an object. The data shows that...