Net Force
Action and Reaction Forces
Laws of Motion

Tom and Jerry are pushing a car north. Identify the net force if Tom is pushing with 75N and Jerry is pushing with 100N.

What is 175N north?


Identify the acceleration of an object with a mass of 45kg and has a force of 270N applied to it.

What is 6m/s2?


Identify the action force in the following example:

A hammer hits a nail.

What is the hammer?


Identify which of Newton's Laws of Motion is being described in the following example:

Sarah exerts a force on the trampoline, causing an equal and opposite reaction that pushes back at her, resulting in her jumping into the air.

What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion?


A change in the position of a body with respect to time relative to a reference point.

What is Motion?


Two teams are pulling on a rope. Identify the net force if Team 1 is pulling 467N to the right and Team 2 is pulling 956N to the left.

What is 489N left?


Identify the force exerted upon an object with a mass 89.5kg and an acceleration of 18m/s2.

What is 1611N?


Identify the reaction force of the following example:

A helicopter blade pushes air downward.

What is the air?


Identify which of Newton's Laws of Motion is being described in the following example: 

A rock stays at rest until acted upon by an outside force.

What is Newton's 1st Law of Motion?


The SI (metric) units of force.

What are Newtons?


Zach and Cody are pushing a rock uphill. Identify the net force if Zach exerts a force of 24N and Cody exerts a force of 17N on the rock.

What is 41N?


Identify the mass of an object with a force of 938N being exerted upon it and an acceleration of 14m/s2?

What is 67kg?


Identify the action force of the following example:

A boxer exerts a force on a punching bag.

What is the boxer?


Identify which of Newton's Laws of Motion is being described in the following example: 

A shopper increases the force exerted to maintain the acceleration of a heavier shopping cart.

What is Newton's 2nd Law of Motion?


An action exerted on an object that may change the object’s state of rest or motion.

What is Force?


The LAPD are trying to knock down a house door. Identify the net force if Mike exerts 91N and Ike exerts 80N on the door.

What is 171N?


Identify the acceleration of an object with a mass of 7.5kg and a force of 630N.

What is 84m/s2?


Identify the reaction force of the following example:

A kid pushes on the wall.

What is the wall?


Identify which of Newton's Laws of Motion is being described in the following example: 

The cue ball and the 8 ball travel in opposite directions after the cue ball strikes the 8 ball.

What is Newton's 3rd Law of Motion?


The tendency of an object to resist being moved or, if the object is moving, to resist a change in speed or direction.

What is Inertia?


Kevin and Randy are pushing a box against each other. Identify the direction of the box if Kevin exerts 31N to the left and Randy exerts 67N to the right.

What is right?


Identify the force exerted on an object with a mass of 49.5kg and an acceleration of 33.5m/s2?

What is 1658.25N?


Identify the action force of the following example:

A baseball bat hits a baseball.

What is the baseball bat?


Identify which of Newton's Laws of Motion is being described in the following example: 

Sean Taylor accelerates to exert more force on Brian Moorman, causing a fumble.

What is Newton's 2nd Law of Motion?


The constant speed an object reaches when falling through a resisting medium.

What is Terminal Velocity?