Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4

Define the term "Velocity"

speed in a particular direction 


Define the term "Force" 

a push or pull that can change the motion of an object 


Define the term "Friction"

A force between an object and the surface it is moving over 


Define the term "Collision"

the moment when two objects hit each other 


Which boat experienced the strongest force? How do you know?

All three toy boats experienced the same strength force because they changed speed by the same amount.


Which chair(s) experienced the strongest force when hit? How do you know?

The blue and red chairs experienced the strongest force because they are both more massive than the yellow chair and they changed speed by the same amount.


In which crash did the skateboard experience a stronger force? Why?

Crash 2; the force on the cart was stronger in this crash, so the force on the skateboard was also stronger.


Sandra pushed a wooden block and it slid across the floor. The wooden block gradually slowed down and stopped after moving 10 meters.

Why did the block stop moving?

The floor exerted a force that is opposite to the direction of the block’s motion


Which golf ball(s) experienced the strongest force when hit? How do you know?

The green golf ball because it changed speed the most.


Which puck(s) experienced the strongest force when hit? How do you know?

The black and purple hockey pucks; they have more mass than the green puck, but changed speed by the same amount


In which crash did the tennis ball experience a stronger force? How do you know?

Crash 1; the force on the soccer ball was stronger in this crash, so the force on the tennis ball was also stronger


At dinner, Hans passed the salt shaker to his sister Jessica by sliding it across the wooden table. The salt shaker gradually slowed down and stopped after moving 12 centimeters.

Why did the salt shaker stop moving?

The table exerts a force that is opposite to the salt shaker’s motion.


Which skier(s) experienced the strongest force when bumped? How do you know?

All three skiers experienced the same strength force because they changed speed by the same amount.


Which soccer ball(s) experienced the strongest force? How do you know?

The blue and orange soccer balls; they have more mass than the black soccer ball, but changed speed by the same amount.


In which crash did the asteroid experience a stronger force? How do you know?

Crash 2; the force on the planet was stronger in this crash, so the force on the asteroid was also stronger.


Mary used a bat to swing at a baseball that was moving toward her. She hit the baseball and it traveled in the opposite direction, right out of the park. 

Explain the cause and effect relationship between force and velocity in this scenario. 

  • The baseball changed velocity because the force the bat exerted on it caused it to go in the opposite direction when Mary swung the bat.
  • A force exerted by the bat hitting the ball caused the baseball to change velocity and go in the opposite direction.

Which curling stone(s) experienced the strongest force when hit? How do you know?

The blue curling stone experienced the strongest force because it changed speed the most.


The brown and pink skateboards experienced the strongest force because they are both more massive than the green skateboard and they changed speed by the same amount.


Crash 1; the force on the black hockey puck was stronger in this crash, so the force on the cone was also stronger


Why are the effects of collisions different if the force on each object is the same strength? 

  • The same strength force causes objects with different masses to have different changes in velocity. The object with less mass will have a greater change in velocity when the same force is exerted.
  • Objects in a collision experience different changes in velocity if they have different masses.
  • The effect of the forces experienced by objects in a collision are different if the masses of the objects are different.