Types of Energy
Kinetic and Potential Energy
Newton's Laws
Distance versus Time

What form of energy is stored in a battery? 

A. chemical 

B. sound

C. light 

D. heat

A. Chemical


Give the formula for potential energy.



Newton's first law is also know as the law of what? 

A. Friction

B. Gravity

C. Air Resistance


D. Inertia


What does the graph look like if an object is not moving? 

horizontal line


A ball rolls across the floor and slows down to a stop. Which force caused the ball to slow down? 







What two types of energy must be used to light a glow stick? 

chemical and mechanical


In order to find the potential energy of a bow sitting on a shelf, what two things do you need to know? 

height of the shelf and weight of the box


Newton's cradle demonstrates which of Newton's Laws?

Newton's Third Law 


Draw a graph showing a girl who walked to the store, stayed there a while then walked at the same speed home. 

Answers may vary

If the nervous system controls everything the body does, what organelle in the cell best represents the nervous system?

A. Golgi Body

B. Mitochondria

C. Nucleus

D. Cytoplasm

C. Nucleus


The sound made by crickets occurs when the male crickets rub its two hind legs together. Which type of energy transformation results in the sound made by crickets? 

A. sound energy to thermal energy

B. thermal energy to chemical energy

C. mechanical energy to sound energy

d. mechanical energy to chemical energy

C. mechanical energy to sound energy

How does potential energy change as you go up in height? 

It increases


Seatbelts are in cars to keep people from flying through the windshield in the case of a wreck. Which law does this demonstrate? 

A. Newton's First Law

B. Newton's Second Law

C. Newton's Third Law

A. Newton's First Law


What determines speed on a distance versus time graph? 

the slope of the line


Typically what type of wether comes with a high barometric pressure system? 

A. Cool and rainy

B. Cool and dry

C hot and rainy

D. hot and dry

B. Cool and rainy. 


Through what type of energy to humans get energy?



As the velocity of a runner increases, which types of energy also increases? 

A. kinetic 

B. potential

C. chemical 

D. electrical 

A. kinetic


Which of these is an example of Newton's First Law of Motion? 

A. A baseball hit with a baseball bat travels faster than a bowling ball hit with the same force. 

B. A basketball bounces on the ground with the same force that the ground pushes up on the ball. 

C. A person jumps to a dock from a boat, and the boat moves away from the dock. 

D. A person standing on a bus moves backwards when the bus suddenly move forward.

D. A person standing on a bus moves backwards when the bus suddenly move forward.


Draw a graph where the object is moving at constant speed.

Answers will vary


Which protist moves by the help of a pseudopod?

A. Euglena

B. Amoeba

C. Volvox

D. Paramecium

B. Amoeba


Give an example of nuclear energy and electrical energy combined. 

nuclear power plants. 


What is the difference between potential and kinetic energy? 

A. Potential energy is the energy of an object due to its position, while kinetic energy is energy due to its motion. 

B. Potential energy is the energy of an object due to its motion, while kinetic energy is energy due to its position

C. Potential energy is the energy of an object due t an applied force, while kinetic energy is energy stored after the applied force. 

D. Potential energy is the energy stored after and applied force, while kinetic energy is the energy used from the applied force

A. Potential energy is the energy of an object due to its position, while kinetic energy is energy due to its motion.


Based on Newton's second law, if an object has the same mass but acceleration is increased, what will happen to the force of the object? 

force will increase


Draw a graph where a person is walking toward the store. stops for a train and then begins running toward the store 

Answers will vary. 


Fill in the blanks: Wind is created when ________ pressure moves to _________ pressure

high; low