Easy Peasy
Exit Tickets

1) David and Peter were moving a bookshelf across the carpet in their classroom. Even though they pushed as hard as they could, the bookshelf would only move a few inches at a time. 


Which of the following best explains what happened as they tried to push the bookshelf? 

A. The force of gravity opposed the motion of the bookshelf. 

B. The force of friction opposed the motion of the bookshelf.

C. When they tried to push the bookshelf, air resistance acted against them. 

D. When they pushed the bookshelf, the bookshelf pushed back with an equal and opposite force. 

B. The force of friction opposed the motion of the bookshelf.


Brian and Emily are testing different paper airplane designs to see which will allow a plane to go the farthest. Emily folds her plane and attaches a paperclip to the front of it. After she throws the plane, it travels about fifty feet and then starts to fall to the ground. 


Why does the plane eventually fall to the ground? 

A. The force of air resistance stops acting on the plane. 

B. The plane was not designed to carry a load like the paperclip. 

C. The force of gravity is greater than the forces keeping the plane in the air.

D. The paperclip creates a magnetic force that attracts the plane to the ground. 

C. The force of gravity is greater than the forces keeping the plane in the air.


Gravity gets weaker as you travel farther from the surface of Earth. Which of the following examples correctly illustrates this idea? 

A. Satellites that orbit Earth will always fall back to Earth eventually. 

B. Astronauts can float because Earth's gravity is not as strong in orbit. 

C. Airplanes can fly because there is much less gravity high in the sky. 

D. There is no gravity on the Moon because it is too far away from Earth.

 B. Astronauts can float because Earth's gravity is not as strong in orbit. 


1) Candice is rearranging the furniture in her room. She has two different dressers that are the same size. When she pushes on each dresser, she finds that it is harder to move Dresser A than it is to move Dresser B.

C. Dresser A has more mass than Dresser B.


The game of kickball begins with the ball being rolled toward a player.  The player then kicks the ball across the field.  What is true about the speed of the ball when it is kicked?

A) The speed of the ball is not dependent on the force used to kick it.

B) The speed of the ball will be slower than the speed at which it was   pitched.

C) The speed of the ball depends on the force used to kick it.

D) The speed of the ball mostly depends on the speed at which it was   pitched.

C) The speed of the ball depends on the force used to kick it.


Philip is playing tug of war with Nancy. They both understand that to win the game of tug of war, one player must pull the flag over their opponent's line, but during this particular game, the flag tied to the center of the rope is not moving. 


What is happening to the rope in this example? 

A. Philip is applying more force in one direction. 

B. Nancy is applying more force in one direction. 

C. Philip and Nancy are applying equal forces in the same direction. 

D. Philip and Nancy are applying equal forces in opposite directions.  

D. Philip and Nancy are applying equal forces in opposite directions


Aaron is playing with a soccer ball at the top of a hill. Aaron kicks the ball and it rolls down the hill. Which of the following best describes what happens as the ball rolls? 

A. The force of gravity pulls the ball downhill.

B. The force of friction causes the ball to roll faster down the hill. 

C. The force of gravity is balanced by air resistance acting on the ball. 

D. The force of friction is greater than the force of gravity acting on the ball. 

A. The force of gravity pulls the ball downhill.


Magnets have a negative and positive pole. What happens if you try to touch the positive ends of two magnets together?

A. The positive poles will repel each other.


2) Julian rides in her mother's car sometimes and in her father's car other times. If it takes her less time to travel the same distance in her mother's car than in her father's car, which of the following is true?

B. Her mother's car is traveling at a greater speed than her father's car.


Devon wants to find out how to shoot a rubber band the farthest.

Which strategy could Devon most likely use?

a.Stretch the rubber band longer

b.Stretch the rubber band less

c.Shoot the rubber band higher

d.Shoot the rubber band lower

c.Shoot the rubber band higher


3) While on a camping trip, Shane and Katie are traveling in a boat on a river. On their trip, the river's current carries them down the river at a speed of 5 meters per second (m/s). They don't need to row because the current is carrying them in the direction they need to go. 


If no other forces are acting on the boat, which of these statements describes the motion of the boat as it travels downstream? 

A. It speeds up. 

B. It slows down. 

C. It stays the same. 

D. It changes direction. 

C. It stays the same


Because the force of gravity is so strong, it appears to attract all objects equally, regardless of mass. Which of the following is illustrated by this idea? 

A. Earth orbits the Sun in the same amount of time it takes the Moon to orbit Earth. 

B. A rubber ball will bounce much higher than a wooden ball, even if they weigh the same. 

C. Magnets can both repel and attract each other, depending on how they come into contact. 

D. A bowling ball and a peanut will fall to the ground at the same rate when someone drops them.

D. A bowling ball and a peanut will fall to the ground at the same rate when someone drops them.


3) A toy car rolling along different surfaces will experience different amounts of friction. The toy car would encounter the most friction when rolling on which of the following surfaces?

A. a sandy beach


3) Jonathan pushes a box on the floor and is unable to make it move. Which of the following is the best explanation for why the box does not move?

C. The mass of the box requires a greater force to move it.


Michael and Steve are twins.  The two boys weigh the same amount.  The twins decide to ride their bikes to a friend’s house.  Michael is going to study, so he takes a backpack containing several books.  Steve is going swimming so he does not take anything.  If their bikes weigh the same, which boy needs to apply more force to get to the friend’s house?

A) Steve, because he is shorter.

B) Michael, because he is carrying more weight.

C) Steve, because he is wearing fewer items of clothing.

D) Michael, because he has longer legs.

B) Michael, because he is carrying more weight.


Will and Tammy are moving a dresser. They are arguing about which direction to move it. Will is pushing the dresser with a force of 5 newtons towards Tammy. Tammy is pushing the dresser towards Will with a force of 10 newtons. What happens to the dresser? 

A. The dresser does not move. 

B. The dresser moves towards Will. 

C. The dresser moves towards Tammy. 

D. The dresser moves towards Tammy, then back towards Will. 

B. The dresser moves towards Will.


 While Carmen is at the park with her family, she walks up to a wishing well. She throws a penny down the well, and she hears a splash at the bottom. Which of the following best describes what happens as the penny falls? 

A. The force of gravity is equal to the air resistance acting on the penny. 

B. The magnetic force of the well attracts the penny and causes it to fall even faster. 

C. The force of friction acts against air resistance, causing the penny to fall even faster. 

D. The force of air resistance acts against gravity, but it is not enough to overcome gravity.

D. The force of air resistance acts against gravity, but it is not enough to overcome gravity.


4) Which of the following best explains why a person standing on the Moon can jump higher than a person standing on Earth?

A. There is no gravity on the Moon.


4) If all the forces acting upon an object at rest are balanced, what will the object do?

A. The object will stay still.


When is it clear that balanced forces are acting on an object?

A) The object’s motion stops.

B)   The object’s motion does not change.

C) The object changes direction.

D) The object begins moving.

B)   The object’s motion does not change.


 Maria pushes with equal force on two objects. Object 1 has twice as much mass as Object 2. Which of the following statements is true? 

A. Both objects will remain still. 

B. Object 1 will accelerate faster than object 2. 

C. Object 2 will accelerate faster than object 1. 

D. Both objects will accelerate at the same rate. 

C. Object 2 will accelerate faster than object 1. 


Which of the following explains why a parachute makes a person falling from a great height fall more slowly? 

A. The parachute reduces the friction in the air. 

B. The parachute pulls upward, so the fall is slower. 

C. The parachute causes air resistance, which slows the fall.

D. The parachute decreases the pull of gravity on the person wearing it. 

C. The parachute causes air resistance, which slows the fall.


5) Magnets have a negative and positive pole. What happens if you try to touch the positive pole of one magnet to the negative pole of another magnet?

C. The negative and positive poles will be attracted to each other.


5) Darryl pushes on two different boxes. Box 1 has a greater mass than Box 2. Which of the following statements is true?

D. Less force is required to move Box 2 than Box 1.


Hit a ball and you set it in motion. Pedal a bicycle and you set it in motion. Push a swing and you set it in motion. What must always be true of any object that is in motion?

a.Moving forward

b.Changing its position

c.Changing its direction

d.Moving at a constant speed

c.Changing its direction