Newton's Laws
Let's Try It!

Thomas the Tank Engine travels 84 miles in 7 hours. What is Thomas' speed?

12 mph


How can I be both in motion and not in motion at the same time?

By changing your reference point


What type of Friction occurs when you're moving your dresser from one corner of your room to another?

Sliding Friction


What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction


If a car has to travel 1,500 miles in 3 hours in order to return to its point of origin, what is the car's velocity?

-500 mph


What is the Acceleration Formula (how do you find Acceleration)?

(Final Speed - Initial Speed) / Time


What type of Friction occurs when a roller coaster stops moving?

Rolling Friction


What is the unit used to measure Force?

A newton


What is Newton's First Law of Motion?

An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force, and an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force

Superman accelerates from 40 mph to 120 mph in 8 seconds in order to catch a citizen who is falling. What is Superman's rate of acceleration?

10 mph/s


What are the three things acceleration can refer to?

Speeding up, Slowing down, and Changing Direction


What type of Friction occurs when you are trying to push a refrigerator but it doesn't move?

Static Friction


What are the two forces acting on an object that is falling?

Gravity and Fluid Friction (air resistance)


What is Newton's Second Law of Motion?

Acceleration = Force / Mass


What is the acceleration of a 4,000 kg car that is pushed with 36,000 N of force?

9 N/kg


Draw a Force Diagram showing all of the Forces acting on a Train that is accelerating

Cortez, you're gonna have to draw this one on the board, buddy (If you're studying for this at home, the force pushing the train forward has to be greater than the force opposing the train to show that it is speeding up, OR the force pushing the train forward has to be less than the force opposing the train to show that it is slowing down)


What type of Friction is Air Resistance?

Fluid Friction

Draw a Force Diagram showing all of the Forces acting on a Train that is moving at a constant speed

Cortez, you're gonna have to draw this one on the board, buddy (if you're studying at home, all of the Forces must be BALANCED. If some are greater than the opposite force, it would be accelerating


What are 2 things I can do to increase acceleration, according to Newton's Second Law of Motion?

Increase the amount of force applied to the object, or decrease the mass of the object


What is the momentum of a 2,000 kg bus that is driving at 40 mph?

80,000 kg*mph